Countdown to TixMas #10: Secret Santa (TicketVerse Trades #14)

Secret Santa Header
Article by Sean Wilkinson,
a.k.a. The TixMaster

'Tis the tenth day of the Countdown to TixMas, and one room in my house
Is where I sit at my laptop; my finger's the mouse.
The lords are a-leaping, to where I know not.
I was going to be clever, but then I forgot.
I should be sleeping, not blogging; get me to bed.
Knocked out like a sugarplum was thrown at my head.
Like and comment; it helps more than anyone thinks.
For today, I bring you a post full of links!
Why call it Secret Santa? You might as well ask.
Because I'm gifting total strangers, in return for their praise.
This has been quite a task!
I've been at it ten days!

Welcome back to the Countdown to TixMas, which will wrap up in three days with three fresh reviews. For now, though, I thought I'd play Secret Santa, and give you all a TicketVerse Trades compilation of as many past reviews as I could find that are Christmas, winter, gift, religion, or otherwise holiday-relevant.
I'm sure there are other posts I could link to here, like the reviews I posted for some of the Grimm Fairy Tales Christmas editions, or some of my mythology and religion essays, or all of my Chucky reviews (because Toys!), but this is pretty comprehensive otherwise, so instead, I'll leave you with an advance excerpt from my review of the first Grimm Fairy Tales Christmas issue. I haven't heard many people say "Merry Christmas" this year, or even use one of the more inclusive, sensitive, woke expressions that have been devised to replace it in the past. And it reminded me of something I said in the aforementioned review (not yet released on Blogger) about the use of "Holiday" over "Christmas" when Zenescope was titling these specials:
"My first the glaring political correctness of Zenescope refusing to chestnut up and call it the Christmas Edition. ...That’s right, 'Christmas.' Not 'Holiday'--although it is technically a holy day--literal Mary-fucking Christmas. Celebrate the fact that it’s a Christian holiday. Even if you don’t believe or agree with any varying percentage of what any number of translations of the Bible say about Jesus, be glad he’s a prominent symbol of western religion. If some god from another religion did the immaculate conception with Mary, Jesus could have been a minotaur or a drunken goat-man or a suicide bomber instead of a cute baby-turned-carpenter-turned-magic hippie with terrible taste in friends-turned-possible zombie. I’m getting off track and definitely being sacriligious here, but I don’t care because I’m trying to make a point, and that point is to not be ashamed or feel societal pressure to act ashamed of saying 'Merry Christmas!' if it’s in your heart to let those two uplifting words out of your mouth. It isn’t about forcing religion onto other people, it’s about having the pride and joy and comfort to spread the spirit of the season. Speaking of which, don’t get me started on 'Season’s Greetings!' It not only devalues the spirit of Christmas, it devalues the inherent seasonality of Spring, Summer, and Fall, and that’s all I’m going to say on the subject.

So, yeah. Merry Christmas to all from your Secret Santa (even though I put my first and last name in the byline of everything I post now), Stay Tuned, wait smart, save those Ticket Stubs, like, comment, and come back tomorrow for a fresh review with Bad Santa and Passion Of the Christ connections.

Secret Santa,


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