Ticket Stubs #16: Sweet Sixteen (Blocks, That Is)
Well, folks and Fockers, today is yet another milestone in the life and times of the Ticketmaster. As I write this introduction, the Ticketverse crosses the 4,000 pageview mark. This is also Ticket Stubs ' Sweet Sixteen, and back in the day, what you are about to read comprised the fiftieth issue of the original SW@ Ticket . When I was writing SW@ Ticket #50: Sweet Sixteen (Blocks, That Is) back on July 1, 2006 , here is what I had to say: You might ask "Well, SW@, how do you plan to celebrate your breakout column's fiftieth birthday?" And I might respond by saying "I'm going to Hawaii... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! " But seriously, people, SW@ Ticket won't officially turn 50 until I finish the fiftieth issue. So I guess I'll start celebrating by writing the damn thing. Today on SW@ Ticket , Bruce Willis is a drunkass cop turned drunken master in 16Blocks . In the tradition of SWAT (shameless self-...