Zenescope - Omnibusted #16: Neverland
Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Omnibuster. I've been recycling nearly the same content for about five weeks now, and I'm done with that seven-page paper on how fake companies run by idiots can learn to change and be smurt, so it's time for something new and completely different. Also, something that’s been a hundred years in the making. Not because Zenescope has been around that long or planning the series that long—as we’ve seen, Zenescope can barely afford licensing fees for certain hotels and coffee shops after having been in the comic book business for a mere five years at this point in the Retrospective —but because the 2008 Annual took place in 1912, onboard the RMS Titanic, whose passengers included Sela, Belinda, Morrigan, and Mary and Daniel Darling. But before I turn this into a self-indulgent rant about my tempered loathing of humanity (and by inclusion, of myself, because I can't get over the death of my long-time parrot companion of over thirty y...