
Showing posts from August, 2023

Zenescope - Omnibusted #16: Neverland

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Omnibuster. I've been recycling nearly the same content for about five weeks now, and I'm done with that seven-page paper on how fake companies run by idiots can learn to change and be smurt, so it's time for something new and completely different. Also, something that’s been a hundred years in the making. Not because Zenescope has been around that long or planning the series that long—as we’ve seen, Zenescope can barely afford licensing fees for certain hotels and coffee shops after having been in the comic book business for a mere five years at this point in the Retrospective —but because the 2008 Annual took place in 1912, onboard the RMS Titanic, whose passengers included Sela, Belinda, Morrigan, and Mary and Daniel Darling. But before I turn this into a self-indulgent rant about my tempered loathing of humanity (and by inclusion, of myself, because I can't get over the death of my long-time parrot companion of over thirty y...

Time Drops #31: Week Of August 28, 2023

       Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Ticketmaster One course left, Ticketholders! On Thursday, I finished the last paragraph of my seven-page paper for Change Management at WGU and submitted it for review, and it was accepted Friday morning. So all that's left for the month of September is to finish my PowerPoint and record a presentation for Values-Based Leadership. As I try not to let the next  FIVE  weeks of academia pass me by (my call to action paragraph is still a countdown!), please remember to comment at the bottom of this post,  Become A Ticketholder  if you haven't already, help out my ad revenue as you read, and check out my social media at the links below to like what you see and keep up with the latest news on my content and calendars thereof. Here it is: Wednesday (August 30) -  Zenescope - Omnibusted #16: Neverland Thursday (August 31) -  TBT 2023:  Born to Be Wild   (on  Tumblr ,  Reddit ,...

Zenescope - Omnibusted #15: Grimm Fairy Tales TPB Volume 8

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Omnibuster. Long readings and New Comic Book Day greetings, Ticketholders! Welcome to one of the longest and most unique editions of Zenescope - Omnibusted  to date. It's unique for several reasons, including the fact that it is the first OG Volume collection to begin with an Annual review, as well as being the first Omnibusted to include another Omnibusted  collection. While Volume Eight may be among my least favorite group of early Grimm Fairy Tales  issues for its focus on disposable, unlikable villains, we also get more insight into Sela's past, some character development for Belinda, and the return of a few fan-favorite characters. And most importantly for the story (at the time), we get to see the cogs turning as the series builds toward its next big, all-is-lost moment (no, I'm not  going to insert appropriate Family Guy  meme here, because I need to fit in the Vegas Annual cover and a Spaceballs  meme without th...