One A Day #2: The Vow

The local Safeway here in Ephrata, WA finally had The Vow in stock and ready for a Just the Ticket One A Day review.

It's a true story that has become iconic for our generation; so much so that it has been rehashed in Once Upon A Time, House, A Gifted Man, and even American Dad. But this time it's been done for real, so to speak.
In The Vow, Channing Tatum (a phonebook-writer's worst nightmare) and Wedding Crashers star Rachel McAdams play everyone's idea of a perfect couple. They have little inside jokes and routines all their own and love each other for better or worse (and not just contractually speaking, since they wrote their own vows, which excluded that particular bit of cliched phraseology).
But following a car accident on an icy road and an ensuing coma, happy wife Paige wakes up with her last clear memory being around the time when Obama was still a senator, not yet having left her overbearing parents (American Horror Story's Emmy-winning Jessica Lange and Alcatraz's Sam Neill) or her ex-fiance (Underworld's Scott Speedman) for art school and current husband Leo (Tatum).
The usual overcompensation and awkwardness (Paige: "This sweatshirt is the only thing of mine I feel comfortable in." Leo: "That's mine, actually." Paige: "Oh.") lead the renascent couple to divide and reconnect several times before realizing (mostly on the part of Tatum's Leo) that patience is a virtue, miracles can't be forced to happen, and true love can be miraculous if left to work itself out.
Of course The Vow sounds like a sappy romantic drama (because it is) that goes through the same motions as any number of other sappy romantic dramas (as it is supposed to--just ask Plato, Aristotle, and Jung. Oh, wait. They're dead. Oops!). But the story, being based on true events (as it was), shows that while you can write this stuff, you can't make it up, and that puts all the Hollywood archetypal heroic journey crap in a distant back seat to the leading pair's portrayal of Leo and Paige's engaging relationship.

Stay tuned and wait smart as tomorrow on One A Day, I look at the movie adaptation of Janet Evanovich's One For the Money.


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