
Showing posts from March, 2023

GFT Retrospective #43: The Goose And the Golden Egg

Article by Sean Wilkinson, From Giant to Gutless Goose & Back Again Sorry to keep starting these posts with the same, old pity party where I tell you how I'm academically stressed, introspection-phobic, and a barely functioning, perpetually recovering self-destructive. The good news is that when I'm not trying to commit metaphorical cygnucide (that's killing a goose or swan, I think) or literally and metaphorically poisoning and drowning myself, I am good at what I do, and what I do is critical writing. Which is how I am, at the time of this composition, finished with my revisions on the first task in Values-Based Leadership at WGU, leaving me with a PowerPoint presentation to build and (ugh!) record myself delivering. Oh, and waiting for evaluation results; that's sarcastic-fantastic, too. The other good news is that, having run out of puns and (almost) run out of metaphors, I am also currently trying to run out of adverbs and gerunds . Is it good news, though? Th...

Time Drops #9: Week Of March 27, 2023

  Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Ticketmaster, I managed to crank out my Consumer Behavior assignment, and it was accepted, which leaves me to finish exploring and defending my managerial potential, and, as I just learned during a call from my mentor, give a presentation on camera and upload it to the internet. Suddenly, carnivorous plants don't seem that terrifying.... Maybe I've stumbled onto a Resolution for 2024? Eh, I'm getting ahead of myself and rambling , so here's the content schedule for the coming week: Wednesday (March 29) -  GFT  Retrospective #43:  The Goose and the Golden Egg Thursday (March 30) -  TBT 2023:  Hugo   (on  Tumblr ,  Reddit , and  Facebook ) Sunday (April 2) -  Time Drops #10: Week Of April 3, 2023 It just occurred to me that when I copied the text to edit it into last week's Time Drops, I forgot to change one of the dates. Sorry if that was confusing. I put myself through watching Knock At the Ca...

GFT Retrospective #42: The Scorpion and the Frog

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Frog/Scorpion Hybrid Greetings, Ticketholders! I'm an animal hybrid metaphor! Yay? I changed focus to my last class this week because the paper for my Values-Based Leadership course was getting too introspective and making me feel inadequate, even though (or because?) it required me to pretend to be someone with all of my strengths and weaknesses who got a promotion that I would, in reality, probably never get, for a fake company! So, yeah; I have a history of trying to help myself across a metaphorical pond, but along the way, I get caught up in that one logic puzzle with the wolf, the sheep, and the hay, and everyone gets eaten, I end up stinging myself, and I drown in whatever circumstance this will inevitably turn into a mixed metaphor for. What's red and green and hurts my brain? A frog-scorpion metaphor in a blender! But good news: I managed to crank out that other class's assignment in a day and get it submitted, so I'm just ...

Time Drops #8: Week Of March 20, 2023

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Ticketmaster, Having to delve into the best and worst aspects of myself for a gradeable, mandatory assignment has not been the most fun thing ever for me, so I'm tabling that to attempt another class's final paper. I'm also keeping this short so I can get it out there as quickly as being late will allow, so here's the content schedule for the coming week: Wednesday (March 22) -  GFT  Retrospective #42:  The Scorpion and the Frog Thursday (March 23) -  TBT 2023:  Tower Heist   (on  Tumblr ,  Reddit , and  Facebook ) Sunday (March 19) -  Time Drops #9: Week Of March 27, 2023 This practice kind of got me feeling pressure and contributed to my downfall in 2021 when I was doing it at the end of my Anime Spotlight  posts, but it helped me get my Christmas special on track, and  it's better to have things written down than just swirling around in my head, so I'll also include the stuff here that I...

GFT Retrospective #41: The Lion and the Mouse

Article by Sean Wilkinson, On a Rocky  journey to follow his  Creed . See what I did there? Does anyone else hate it when someone does something painfully obvious (usually the telling of a terrible Dad Joke--which used to just be called puns before the youth of my generation got all ageist and gendered with their labels, but I've already said a lot about why giving a damn about labels is as stupid as it is necessary in my They/Them  review, so like that guy who paints sportsball turf, I dye grass), yeah; does anyone else hate it when someone does something painfully obvious, and then asks their "audience," see what I did there?  Yes. Yes, we all know what a clever little baby you are for cheaply getting our attention. Now shove your pacifier up your ass and go stand in the corner until the bell rings. To my Ticketholders, remember to like this post down below, leave a few rounds of punchy comments, subscribe, follow, and click up my ad revenue from mouse-size to...

Time Drops #7: Week Of March 13, 2023

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Ticketmaster, a.k.a. Time's Fool. So it happened again. Working these morning shifts is doing nothing for my productivity or energy levels. If anything, trying to keep my energy up with coffee, energy drinks/supplements etc. is only burning me out. It's great for meeting work demands, but my academic drive and blogging are suffering. Not to worry, though; I'm not going to full-stop my 2023 resolutions just because work is hard. I'm just going to be realistic and move all future Time Drops releases to Sundays. The beauty of a hobby is that you can make the calendar whatever you want, and I'm just going with a week that starts on Monday and ends on Sunday (I think Latin countries do this?). Also, I'm not in a complete productive Dead Zone ; I passed one of my classes last week and  filed my taxes, so I only have two classes (three papers) to deal with and I placated the Federal government, which is a good mental space to be in...

NPO #21: Sales Math and Words What Ain't Words

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Night Owl As some of you might know, I am in the midst of completing another term of my online Marketing degree at WGU. You may or may not also be aware that, even as a Marketing student, I find words and mathematical operations that are made up for advertising purposes (buzzwords, drug names, cringe portmanteau, etc.) to be extremely aggravating. So put on the latest hot jam from DJ Skyrizi , make sure your two kids, Rybelsus and Eliquis  (which sounds like a medication with "may cause your horse to talk" on its side-effect list), are sufficiently distracted, remember to addivide three halves more espresso shots to your Al Pacino -sponsored Dunkacchino (because Adam Sandler references now live rent-free in my head such that I expect him to invite Kevin James , Chris Rock , Sean Astin , and Rob Schneider over and film a Happy Madison movie in my brain that's sponsored by Pizza Hut , Apple , and Dicks Sporting Goods , where he...

GFT Retrospective #40: Little Miss Muffet, Part 2!

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a Fairy Tale Fan, sitting on his tuffet, writing his words and ways. I have a decent opinion of comic book spiders, so don't expect one to frighten me away unless it's of the giant, nuclear accident variety. Besides, I've dealt with more inconvenient and genuinely scary things as of late. Like an attention-seeking, manipulative father with an expensive seizure disorder, a mother with an injured shoulder and an attention-seeking, manipulative husband who gives himself seizures, and my own infected pancreas, alcoholism, gambling addiction, credit card debt, make-or-break academic deadlines, work-life pressures, weight management, and the sociopathic paradox that is my antipathy toward humanity and overwhelming desire for their digitally distanced affection. So remember to like this post down below, leave a comment or forty, subscribe, follow, and click up my normal-spider-sized ad revenue because I and the digital spiders that crawl cyberspace for c...

Time Drops #6: Week Of March 5, 2023

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Ticketmaster Apologies for not getting this out as scheduled. Going back to a morning shift after months of closing has wrought havoc on my extra-professional motivation, such that I just wanted to SLEEP!  Also, I'm still trying to cram four class papers into a month, and find time to file my taxes, so.... Anyway, here's the content schedule for the coming week: Sunday (March 5) -  Time Drops #6: Week Of March 5, 2023 Wednesday (March 8) - GFT  Retrospective #40: Little Miss Muffett , Part 2! Thursday (March 9) -  TBT 2023:  Horrible Bosses  and The Trip   (on  Tumblr ,  Reddit , and  Facebook ) Saturday (March 11) -  Time Drops #7: Week Of March 12, 2023  and New Piece Offerings #21: Sales Math and Words What Ain't Words At least I got this week's content written and edited in advance, so my dream of hitting a hundred thousand views by the end of the year is still doable. That said, ...

Zenescope - NPOmnibusted #11: The Monster Hunter's Survival Guide

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Omnibuster The Monster Hunter's Survival Guide  was a unique review in the Grimm Fairy Tales  Retrospective , as it is thus far the only...comic book?...series?...that I've given my opinion on without a full, in-depth read. Mostly because it was too tedious and painful for my obsessive-compulsive, "grammar Nazi," critical eyes. I'm not even sure if it and it's Case Files  spin-off are a real part of the GFT  continuity. You might be asking, "how can you judge its quality and canonicity if you haven't read it all?" And I might answer: I read enough . If you think you can stomach the typo-laden word salad that is The Monster Hunter's Survival Guide , then please do so. But also, remember to like, comment, subscribe, and follow me on  Tumblr ,  Reddit , and  Facebook , and read my review below. You'll see that I'm right. It's so bad that I ran out of things to say about how bad it is, and I trans...