GFT Retrospective #27: The Mad Hatter

The second of the Tales From Wonderland is a cool one; the origin story of the guy who turned Calie Liddle into a naked sushi bar and got beaten unconscious for his trouble in Return to Wonderland.

TFW #2: The Mad Hatter
A firefighter named Drake finds himself at the mercy of the musclebound March Hare in the heart of a misanthropic maze. Sorry, I had to; I went a bit mad there for a second. Roped into the infamous mad tea party, Drake is forced to do something for the March Hare that tests his sanity and his ability to hide who he really is. In accomplishing the Hare’s task, Drake is transformed into the first (?) Mad Hatter.

Wow! That’s the closest I’ve come so far to not spoiling major plot points while writing the Retrospective. Maybe that’s because The Story Of the Mad Hatter is one of the most connected and consequential Tales so far in the Wonderland continuity. Who Drake is, what the March Hare has him do, and why he is such an awesome and twisted choice to become the Mad Hatter are tidbits too good to give away so easily, so read it for yourselves.

Stay Tuned Update: the third episode of Marvel's Inhumans is picking up the pace and getting both closer and farther from reuniting the Royal Family, with some near misses, a prison escape, an awesome jungle fight scene, and Karnak (who is now, ironically, flawed in his own right) on a journey of self-discovery. What has been heralded as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's worst television effort--and worst effort in general--is showing promise.
Meanwhile, the seventh season opener of Once Upon A Time treads old territory with a new batch of characters, most refreshing of which is Gabrielle Anwar (Burn Notice) as the season's villain. A lot of setup, as it is the first episode, but not much in the way of progression. I like the subject matter of the show, so I'll keep watching.

Tune in tomorrow for a really confusing Tale From Wonderland as the Grimm Fairy Tales Retrospective rolls on.


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