Just the Ticket #103: Quick or Treat?
Happy Halloween, Ticketholders! And because it's Halloween, I'd like to take a moment to do some Critical Quickies on a few frightening things I've been watching on Netflix. Stranger Things --Winona Ryder ( Beetlejuice ), David Harbor (the upcoming Hellboy reboot), Finn Wolfhard (this year's It remake). A kid goes missing and uses Christmas lights as a Ouija board, a monster gets loose, a girl with psychic powers steals waffles, Winona Ryder can act, finally, and Matthew Modine ( 47 Meters Down ) is creepy as all hell, except that when the show gets there, Hell (or Negative Earth, the Upside Down, The Vale of Shadows,...) is a lot creepier. An homage to 1980's coming-of-age horror movies and Stephen King that does both justice, appeals to a broad audience without pandering, and just has a cool, engaging story. The only thing wrong with it (that was also probably an executive decision to preserve said near-perfect quality) is that it was only eig...