NPO #3: So I Wanna Talk Heartbreak

Okay, so I lied last time when I said there would only be two poems. Turns out I was actually stupid at least four times that year. Enjoy my well-written stupidity, Ticketholders!

Luckiest man alive
Lost in his mind
Path crossed unawares
Lost his mind
Lost his Faith, who
Never leaves his mind
Fears change
Tries to change his mind
Moves on
Gets stuck
Mind over matter
Much matter on his mind.
                                           -Sean Wilkinson

"His & Hers"
He knew her before they met;
He didn't know her at all.
Her hair, her eyes, her smile--
He wondered what lay behind it all.
He took his time,
He waited too long.
He acted rashly,
He lived cautiously.
His thoughts quiet little insanities,
Screaming of logic and truth.
Love is love,
Hers belongs to another,
His belongs to her still.
                                           -Sean Wilkinson

"In His Head"
Why does he still love her?
"I sort of like you," he said.
"More than a little."
But the truer words remained in his head
Like a love song
in a jukebox, yet to be spread
through the air, or like the girl
from the book he writes that's yet to be read.
Now he can't tell her it was destiny.
"It's insanity," his careful mind said.
Too scared to live his life.
Too scared to ever break bread
with her or ask her out.
Now she's with another instead.
She looks past him,
he stares at her.
His love for her,
still stuck in his head.
                                           -Sean Wilkinson

"Something. Easy."
He wakes with her on his mind.
Man, that girl is something.
He should have loved her.
He thought they could've been something.
Now he spends his time in pursuit
of a way to feel nothing.
And every song he hears, he hates
that it makes him feel something.
He should be able to hate her;
That would make his life easy.
But love is hard, and a hardened heart
doesn't come to him easy.
Tears choke him inside, and breathing
doesn't come to him easy.
How can he ease his pain
if pain is love, and love
does come to him easy?
                                           -Sean Wilkinson

Thanks for enjoying this little trip back through my days of heartbreak, Ticketholders. In a few moments, I will also start up a new Thursday-only column called Ticketverse Throwbacks, a re-posting medium for what remains of my old blog material.


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