GFT Retrospective #26: The Queen of Hearts

Tales From Wonderland is finally here, everyone!
Apologies to all my Ticketholders and clickbait enthusiasts out there. Movie release day and season premiere week coincided to briefly sidetrack the usual course of events, but what I previously promised on multiple occasions is back: the Grimm Fairy Tales Retrospective!

Before I get into the review/spoiler dump content, I have been using the combined resources of Google Images, Adobe Photoshop, and random sources of digital comics to edit together the most comprehensive collection of Zenescope trades and alternate covers possible. The project is by no means complete, but here is what I have to offer you up to this point:
01 - GFT Volume #1.rar
02 - GFT Volume #2.rar
03 - The Piper.rar
04 - Sinbad Volume #1 - The Eyes Of Fire.rar
05 - GFT Volume #3.rar
06 - Return to Wonderland.rar
07 - GFT Different Seasons #2 (2011).rar
08 - GFT Volume #4.rar
09 - Tales From Wonderland Volume #1.rar

Tales From Wonderland Volume #1
Tales From Wonderland is a three Volume collection of One-Shot issues (single-issue comics that focus on a single character or team, usually as a means of providing exposition material to the reader) that tell the origins or motivations of some of Wonderland’s most notorious denizens. As with the early Grimm Fairy Tales Volumes, there is an additional short story at the end of each Volume of Tales From Wonderland.

TFW # 1: Queen of Hearts
The tale of the Queen of Hearts begins as the tale of two families. Patriarch to one of the families, a scientist named Henry is doing “work” in his basement with the looking glass when his wife’s friend, Martha, comes over for a social dinner.

While the grown-ups have their proper English time, Martha’s daughters, Julia and Bethany, fight for the affections of Henry’s son, William. We learn shallow things about the Queen of Hearts, like why she hates white roses and cheaters, and why she likes cards and croquet. William, who will get more page time in future issues, falls to the background during a game of hide and seek, letting the focus shift back to the sisters, who fall through the looking glass while fighting over a hiding place in the basement. The two are allowed a few fleeting moments of wonder before the true face of Wonderland shows itself. Set upon by the Cheshire Cat and a large creature that looks like Clive Barker and HP Lovecraft’s collaborative interpretation of a Chinese dragon, Julia and Bethany are fused together to form the Queen of Hearts.

That’s really all there is to this particular Tale From Wonderland. Henry will show up again throughout these volumes as well, but as I said, all we get from this is why the Queen has a Siamese “twin” and some insight (can insight be superficial?) into her temperament and preferences.

Like, comment, and do other social media stuff, assuming the literate part of your brain still works, and tune back in tomorrow for another Tale.



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