
Showing posts from September, 2024

Time Drops #72: Week of September 29, 2024

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster Welcome to the week to come, Ticketholders! October is going to be...scary-ambitious. I haven't even figured out how I'm going to fit everything in, and I'm not even halfway through the third season of Goosebumps (1995). So I'll still be in "anime jail" while I devote my time to all things R.L. Stine. I have the first part of my new Dragon  Blog  Z  What If finished and scheduled for release next April, with a second concept kicking around in my brain, and my other projects still floating in the pipeline, including a work of original fiction, a  Natsume's Book Of Friends  Anime Spotlight  update, and two  One Piece  Multi-Piece  entries now that I've finally finished the Fishman Island arc of  One Piece . Expect me to have things to say about it...eventually. As usual, I will keep up the year-in-content list at the end of these posts going forward, in addition to these weekly announcements. So please r

Just the Ticket #158: K-9 P.I.

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. Ticketmaster: P.I. I'm not really a private investigator, Ticketholders; I just felt the need, as I often do with these things, to leave clues in the byline and introductory paragraphs for those of you who don't look at the title or thumbnail for a given blog post. So maybe I'm more of a Riddler ? To solve the enigma that is  Just the Ticket , please remember to get a clue and  Become A Ticketholder  if you haven't already, direct your aged but reliable animal sidekick down to the comments where they can better ambush the bad guys, help out my ad revenue as you read so I can afford to retire my debts and get a new animal sidekick of my own, and follow me on  Tumblr ,  Reddit ,  Facebook , and  LinkedIn  to like what you see and receive the latest news on my dog-training and crime-solving content. Three years after K-911  got too old for this shit (and thirteen years after the 1989 original K-9 ), K-9: P.I.  was released as the retiremen

GFT Retrospective #76: Grimm Fairy Tales #58

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Natural Ticketmaster Natural can mean many things, Ticketholders! It can refer to flavors and colors derived from non-chemical sources, aesthetic beauty achieved without the aid of cosmetics, being born "cut out for" doing a certain task..., or full nudity. I won't tell you which of those meanings apply to me at this moment, but I will tell you that the remaining five issues in Volume Ten are referred to as the Mother Nature arc. Pretty much all polytheistic and pagan cultures had or have a Mother Nature or Mother Earth figure in their pantheon, so it's better for my sanity to just link the Wikipedia page rather than go through everything here like I would if I was covering a simple fairy tale adaptation. I'm trying and failing to make this call to action as natural as possible, so please remember to  Become A Ticketholder  if you haven't already, comment any other uses of natural you can think of at the bottom of this po

Time Drops #71: Week of September 22, 2024

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster Welcome to the week to come, Ticketholders! On September 11, I got my first comment from a real human in almost three years, and they also commented the next day on a different post. So, not counting the two bots whose comments I flagged and deleted, but counting my own replies, this brings my comment count to five. Big thanks go out to Xelio  and jasonx  for the engagement! While I still have nothing to offer in terms of anime content just yet, I am working on several projects for release in the future: a work of original fiction, a new Dragon Blog Z  What If, a Natsume's Book Of Friends Anime Spotlight update, and two One Piece Multi-Piece entries now that I've finally finished the Fishman Island arc of  One Piece . Expect me to have things to say about it. In between this month's reviews of the  K-9  movies, I will be in "anime jail" so that I can devote my time to all things R.L. Stine in preparation for Octob

Just the Ticket #157: K-911

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Ticketmaster Reddit is having issues today (Thursday), as it sometimes does. Perhaps it should go spit? Or it needs a good slap from the upgrade department? Or it's getting too old for this shit? A recent trend in Hollywood, but by no means a new trend, is the long-delayed IP-retention sequel, many of which (particularly in the police action genre, and in recent legacy sequels and reboots of properties like Star Wars , Jurassic Park , Ghostbusters , Indiana Jones , Bad Boys , Scream , Beetlejuice , and Independence Day ) include the "original cast are old and nostalgia-pandering while the new characters try too hard to upstage them and be cool" trope. I don't mind being upstaged by newer, cooler technology because it will just give me more options to promote  Just the Ticket , so please remember to  Become A Ticketholder  if you haven't already, leave your unruly animal sidekick down in the comments until they learn to behave

GFT Retrospective #75: Grimm Fairy Tales #57

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster We must be careful what we allow to come out of our mouths, Ticketholders! While this is particularly apt in the modern world, where any form of self expression can be preserved in perpetuity and interpreted in any given context as a meme or a reason to cancel someone, it is not a new moral by any means, as we will see in this first issue of the Grimm Fairy Tales Volume Ten Trade Paperback. As suggested by Volume Nine , Volume Ten will continue to follow the journey of Sela and her companions through Myst. According to the  Zenescope Entertainment Wiki Chronological Reading Order , Volume Ten is also the last before Zenescope's first two big event series ( Myths & Legends  and The Dream Eater Saga ). And last but not least, it is the first time since GFT #49  that an issue has gone untitled on the credits page. It has a title...eventually. But I'll get to that right after I remind you to please  Become A Ticketholder  if yo

Stay Tuned #53: K-9000

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster As the exposition on Uma Thurman 's character (Mia Wallace) in Pulp Fiction famously informed us once upon a time, TV shows are pitched using a single produced episode, called a pilot because it's trying to get a show off the ground. Sometimes you get bangers like Moonlighting , sometimes you get things that are famously super-different (like that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers pilot where Trini was black, Bulk had a full-on punk gang, and Ernie's Juice Bar was a bowling alley), and then you get absolute stinkers like the Knight Rider and Wonder Woman reboots, Mockingbird Lane , the trilogy of Midnight Run sequels, and today's...effort. A common practice in the late 80s and into the mid-90s was to make feature-length, TV-quality movies (sometimes spun off from theatrical properties to give more options to those who could not afford a VCR or regular trips to the video store or movie theater - possibly giving rise to

Time Drops #70: Week of September 15, 2024

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster Welcome to the week to come, Ticketholders! As I'm editing this and writing the intro, it is almost 9:30pm Friday night, and I haven't done the social media pushes for my K-9  review yet because I've been at work for half of the day and without internet service for the other half. While I still have nothing to offer in terms of anime content just yet, I am working on two projects for release in the near future, including a work of original fiction, and I'm closing in on the final episodes of the Fishman Island arc of One Piece . Expect me to have things to say about it. In between this month's reviews of the  K-9  movies, I will be in "anime jail" once I finish Fishman Island so that I can devote my time to all things R.L. Stine in preparation for October. As usual, I will keep up the year-in-content list at the end of these posts going forward, in addition to these weekly announcements. So please read bey

Just the Ticket #156: K-9

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster R.I.P. Animal Sidekick 🦜 Buddy cop movies were all over the cinematic landscape in the 80s and 90s action scene, giving us such franchise starters as Lethal Weapon , Midnight Run , Moonlighting , Police Academy ,  48 Hours ,  Bad Boys , and Rush Hour . That's only the tip of the iceberg, though, and while other variations of the "old, by-the-book cop gets a young, reckless partner" trope have been tried (like child endangerment), one subgenre that has done better than most is the "cop with animal sidekick" gimmick. Clint Eastwood had to work with orangutans in the Which Way  movies, Bob Hoskins had to work with a cartoon rabbit, baby, and car in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , and Tom Hanks had to work with a French mastiff in Turner & Hooch . But because it's September, Wednesday was 9/11, and one of the sequels to today's movie has 911 in the title (and you've seen the title of this post), you k

Zenescope - Omnibusted #23: The Library

Article by Sean Wilkinson, So Non-Canon, It Hurts. Happy New Comic Book Day, Ticketholders! I'll probably get to an actual new comic book at some point before I die, but today is something special. And I mean that in the way proprietary fast food sauces, markdowns on expired casseroles and oddly-sized clothing, and certain physical or educational needs are special. Reading this week's series was painful, Ticketholders. And I don't mean it hurt (which it did, very much, the first time), I mean it was paneful, like the digestion research window on a donkey's ass. Yeah; that's something scientists do. They surgically install a viewing window in the side of a farm animal so they can monitor and study the digestive systems of cows, horses, goats, donkeys..., pick a farm animal with four legs that can cause notable damage to the average automobile by itself, and there's probably a video on YouTube of this literal shit happening. And because shit happens, please rememb