Time Drops #43: Week of March 10, 2024


Article by Sean Wilkinson,
a.k.a. the Ticketmaster

Greetings, Ticketholders!
The Open House Sale did better than expected, turning my small town's market into a Black-Friday-On-Tuesday nightmare of claustrophobia, free samples, insanely good deals, impatience, and single-digit-aged children having the time of their lives like a pack of cartoon-accurate Tasmanian Devils on multiple controlled substances.
Then, the next day hit, and the freezer that I've been working into a manageable state over the past few months became a glaring monument to the true worth of an individual in the face of corporate whims. Plus, we didn't get to keep any of the cool stuff that was brought over from other locations to make our store look more crowded and impressive than it actually is.
Moving on to the good news, I finally got my taxes filed, and my work hours went up, which means I can start to feel a little more secure about my week-to-week finances going into Spring and Summer.

The good news for you fine Ticketholders is that this week is going to be a bit heavier on content. As usual, I will keep the year-in-content list at the end of these posts going forward, in addition to these weekly announcements. So please read beyond the weekly content calendar for more information on the year to come, and remember to comment at the bottom of this post, Become A Ticketholder because I know you haven't already, help out my ad revenue as you read, and follow me on social media at the links below to like what you see and to receive the latest news on my content and calendars thereof.
Here it is:
  • Monday (March 11) - One Piece Multi-Piece #2: The Red Line, Baroque Works, & Alabasta
  • Tuesday (March 12) - NPO #29: February Madness, In March
  • Thursday (March 14) - TBT Anniversary (on TumblrRedditFacebook, and LinkedIn)Attack the Block
  • Friday (March 15) - Just the Ticket #136: Identity (Ides Of March/List Lookback)
  • Saturday (March 16) - Time Drops #44: Week of March 17, 2024
In addition to the List Lookback that I announced in NPO #28, here's what I have definitively scheduled--pending any unforeseen circumstances (like deaths, compromised transportation, financial complications, etc.)--for the year so far (updates pending in future Time Drops as I make more decisions)
  • Weekly Regulars (post-March):
    • GFT Retrospective Zenescope - Omnibusted
    • DB What Ifs
    • NPO Old Essays (post-April)
    • TBT Anniversary
  • Thursday, July 25 - Ticket Stubs: Sideways (comparative)
  • Wednesday, September 4 (Jason David Frank's birthday) - Just the Ticket: Legend Of the White Dragon
  • Thursday, November 28 - Ticket Stubs: House Of Wax (comparative)
  • Monday, April 1 - Dragon Blog Z: What If the Buu Saga Didn’t Happen? (This is real!)
  • R.L. Stine October (Viewer Beware!):
    • Just the Ticket: Fear Street Trilogy
    • Stay Tuned: Goosebumps Classic
    • Stay Tuned: Goosebumps Disney+
    • Just the Ticket: Goosebumps Double-Feature (Halloween)
  • Thanksgiving - Just the Ticket: Thanksgiving
  • Christmas - Just the Ticket: Maniac Cop Trilogy
I would like to get Zenescope's blessing first, but I'm considering compiling my GFT Retrospective reviews so far into an e-book form. Let me know what you think about this idea down below.



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