Just the Ticket #161: Goosebumps & Haunted Halloween
Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster. I am not Steve! I have never played Minecraft . I will never play Minecraft . I will not watch the Minecraft movie. Lego for life! But I do like peaches , pandas , Tenacious D , and Goosebumps . Enough Jack Black references; it's time to stop being a Shallow Hal and get back to The Holiday ...by which I mean Halloween! I've given myself plenty of Goosebumps this R.L. Stine October , and it's time to also give my thoughts on the Goosebumps movies, which is fine to do on a Thursday instead of a Friday because nostalgia. So happy Throwback Thursday, happy TBT Anniversary, have a happy and Haunted Halloween , and please remember to Become A Ticketholder if you haven't already, comment your thoughts on the Goosebumps movies at the bottom of this post, help out my ad revenue so I don't accidentally end the world with stolen Stephen King manuscripts, and follow me on Tumblr , Reddit , Facebook ...