Dragon Blog Z #7: What If GOKU Was NEVER BORN? (Recap & Retcon)

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Article by Sean Wilkinson,
a.k.a. A MasakoX Fan

Back on November 22, I began writing a reaction piece to MasakoX's Dragon Ball What If? video, titled, "What If GOKU Was NEVER BORN?" because there were some continuity issues and questionable character motivations therein that limit and confuse the potential of the story. You can watch it for yourselves here:
But what started as a simple reaction piece ballooned into a multi-part story that, at present, is hitting the darkest part of the Buu Saga (now with a slightly different villain). Along the way, I neglected some characters and made some "firm" statements that I later went back on (and I plan to go back on even more of them in Part Five), so I thought I'd start the new year with a new take on a new take...on a new take on the classic story. Yes, I'm padding for time. But didn't the anime do the same thing back in the day? 
Remember to like and comment down below, and let's get re-started:

So, to start off, Masako sets the scene with Bardock and Gine (Goku/Kakarot's birth parents in the original material) just...never meeting. So not only is Goku never born, but his brother, Raditz, doesn't exist either. This is fine. But even though he says that he's taking the story back to the very beginning (and does so with the continuity he presents), Masako then jumps to the beginning of the original Dragon Ball, with Bulma hunting for the Dragon Balls on her own so she can summon the Eternal Dragon and wish for...a boyfriend...or strawberries (classic Akira Toriyama subversion humor, and clever wordplay with Ichi-go and Ichigo--"number one guardian," a.k.a. a boyfriend, and strawberry--kanji experts will no doubt get toxic and pedantic about my simple interpretation of a complex, written language, but wordplay is wordplay).
What Masako forgets in this--and just ignores later on so that characters can suddenly be there when the plot he created demands it--is Jaco: The Galactic Patrolman. In that prequel manga leading up to Dragon Ball Minus (Toriyama's retroactive Superman-ing of Goku's origin story), it's revealed that Jaco's entire reason for being on Earth is because the Galactic Patrol detected Goku's Saiyan pod landing there. We also learn that Jaco saves the life of a girl named Tights (Bulma's sister, who was body-doubling for a pop idol aboard a test rocket), and that the pair encounter a scientist named Omori, who is working on a time machine (a design which would later be perfected by a future Bulma and used by her son to stop their dark timeline from happening in the main continuity). So no Goku? No Jaco. No Jaco? Tights dies in space when the rocket explodes. Tights is dead? Bulma would not be worried about boyfriends and unlimited fruit; she'd be gathering the Dragon Balls to revive Tights.
The actual first hunt for the Dragon Balls ("The Pilaf Saga" in the original) would otherwise progress the same as Masako supposes, but with Bulma being more desperate than selfish in her actions. As such, she and Yamcha (with Puar and Oolong's shapeshifting powers getting them all out of Pilaf's kiln room) would get the opportunity to wish on the Dragon Balls. But there's a problem: the Dragon can't wish back people who have been dead for more than a year, and it's been more than a year since Tights died.
Always the stubborn one, Bulma is undeterred by this news, and asks Shenron if there is another way to revive Tights. The Dragon then reveals the truth about Kami being a Namekian, and that their home planet might be somewhere to look.
Bulma uses a mini-jet to fly up to Kami's lookout, drops the "you're not God, you're an alien" bombshell on him, and Mr. Popo (the polarizing, ethnic caricature/genie who serves as Kami's assistant) shows her to Kami's old ship, much earlier than in the original. While she and her father are making it space-worthy, Yamcha is training with Master Roshi and his new student, Krillin, who clashes personalities with the ex-bandit immediately. Also, they compete in the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai (World Martial Arts Tournament in the English dubs), which a disguised Roshi wins under the name of Jackie Chun when he uses his height advantage against Krillin in much the same way as he defeated Goku in the original.
Following the tournament, the Namekian ship is fully repaired, and Bulma, Yamcha, Krillin, and a curious Kami, head for Namek. As the Namekian village elders sense no ill will among the group, and there is no interference by the Freiza Force this early in the story, the Namekian Dragon Balls are gathered without much opposition (Nail and Kami clash a bit at first, but that's all). Not only is there no resurrection time on these, but they grant three wishes instead of just one. So because reviving people in Dragon Ball restores their body at the location of the person's remains, there is some trauma and nausea as Bulma uses the first wish to bring Tights' remains to Namek, and the second wish to revive her (a little tidbit I used from the Resurrection F movie, when the Force is trying to wish Freiza back).
The third wish would be to send the scout party back to Earth, but only Krillin and Yamcha (with Bulma having given them the Dragon Radar) would be teleported because Tights (a budding science fiction writer) would want to get inspiration from Namek, Bulma would want to make up for lost time with her sister, and Kami would want to learn more about his origins and train with Nail. In their time on Namek, the three would make friends with some of the locals (including Dende and his brother, Cargo). In sharing what he knows of his origins with the Grand Elder, Guru (that he was born from a Nameless Namekian splitting in two), Kami learns of Namekian Fusion, which will be important later.
Back on Earth, Yamcha and Krillin would train further with Master Roshi until he felt it was time for them to travel the world and refine their own techniques. In their absence from Earth, the Red Ribbon Army would have established a strong military presence across the world as a means to their search for the Dragon Balls, putting them in constant conflict with the wandering monk and ex-bandit. Working together, they are almost able to defeat Mercenary Tao (whom they encounter in the Sacred Land of Korin after he kills a local villager for a Dragon Ball), but the villain uses their underdeveloped synergy against them and leaves them on the brink of death. The villager's son, Upa, helps the duo recover and tells them of the legend of Korin's tower. Once recovered, they climb the tower and encounter Korin, whose challenge to take the Sacred Water from him improves their strength, speed, and stamina (as well as their combat synergy) enough that they easily win their rematch with Tao, who "dies" like he did in the original. Thereafter, Yamcha and Krillin lay waste to the Red Ribbon Army, recover the Dragon Balls, and revive the Army's victims.
By this time, Kami and the two Earth girls have earned the respect of the Namekian people, and Guru, the planet's elder, has seen fit to unlock their potentials. The trio say their goodbyes and leave for Earth. On the way back, they come across Yardrat, where Tights gathers more writing material and they each focus on a different discipline of Yardratian training. Kami learns Instant Transmission and improves his Namekian gigantification, Tights learns illusion projection, and Bulma gains an understanding of ki through Forced Spirit Fission training.
While Kami is meditating one day, he senses something back on Earth: a disgruntled Pilaf has discovered the rice cooker holding "Demon King" Piccolo and frees him from it. With no one else to attack immediately, Piccolo grows bored and kills Pilaf before wishing for eternal youth and destroying Shenron. 
But what of Mai and Shu?
Well, we know from the Goku Black Arc of Super that Mai can be a badass when things get dark, and she was always the most serious of the Gang, so I'm going to say that she and Shu managed to escape and go into hiding as Piccolo then set his sights on world domination, sending his four mutant offspring to target participants in the twenty-second Tenkaichi Budokai. This includes Yamcha, Krillin, and two new participants named Tien and Chiaotzu, whose master wanted revenge against Yamcha and Krillin for "killing" the Crane Hermit's brother, Mercenary Tao.
Originally, I said that I would have Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu participate in the Underworld Tournament for the right to train under King Kai. But I ran through several scenarios with the Tournament, and when you get into details, it doesn't work very well thematically. So instead, I thought I'd have Fortuneteller Baba send the four of them through the plot of the Sleeping Princess In Devil's Castle movie. Why? For one thing, Baba is Roshi's sister, so she would probably know the legend as well, if not better, than him. It's also the perfect plot to take place in the Underworld, it's a rivalry reconciliation story, and Baba likes money. So the awkward buddy stuff happens similar to the original movie, just with Krillin being randomly paired up to Chiaotzu and Tien "getting stuck with" Yamcha. They fight through Lucifer's monsters, bonding all the while, until they discover what the Sleeping Princess really is, and what Lucifer has planned for the gem: he's going to do a Marvel skybeam that tears a hole to the living world and creates eternal night on Earth. While Yamcha and Chiaotzu combine their skills to steal the gem, Tien and Krillin fire a Kikohou and Kamehameha double attack to finish off Lucifer and his eternal night machine. Pleased with their efforts, teamwork, and especially the precious stone, Baba grants them access to King Yema's check-in station, where their recent heroism and teamwork in the face of reality-bending odds grant them access to Snake Way. Along the way, Tien and Chiaotzu teach Krillin and Yamcha how to fly. There is no Home For Infinite Losers because of this, so let's move on. Princess Snake does happen, sort of. Yamcha spares everyone from getting digested when he sees the sexy, blue snake women and runs off down Snake Way, screaming his head off. The others have seemingly no choice but to follow.
King Kai, as per usual, will not train anyone without hearing a joke. So of course, Tien starts complaining about having to go on all these wild goose chases just to get stronger, until he gets to the part about Yamcha and Princess Snake's attendants. This has King Kai busting a gut, and he agrees to train them all, in much the same way as Goku would later, if he existed in this story.
Yamcha would get the Spirit Bomb, Krillin and Chiaotzu would get Kaio Ken (more compatible with their smaller frames), and Tien would learn both.
Sensing Piccolo's release and increase in power, Kami uses Instant Transmission to return to Earth. Bulma and Tights stay behind to train more and keep out of danger.
Kami easily dispatches King Piccolo's children, but Piccolo himself is a different story because if he is killed, Kami will also die, as Piccolo is the other half of the Nameless Namekian. Also, Kami does not know the Mafuba/Evil Containment Wave in this scenario. So with Kami being stronger than Piccolo after having his potential unlocked and his Yardratian training, he is able to fuse with King Piccolo and remain the dominant personality in their body. Kami also goes about creating a new Dragon. But there's something different about it than the last Shenron. As Kami is stronger, this Dragon is also stronger. And what's more: the stone cracks away from the Dragon Balls, revealing that the stars on them have turned black. That's right; we're getting the Black Star Dragon Balls in this story!
The way Freiza gets involved in the story is similar to Masako's video, with Jaco finally coming to Earth to investigate the unprecedented amount of space travel and fluctuating energy signatures between Earth, Yardrat, and Namek. He meets Tights and Bulma on Yardrat, and convinces them to serve as his ambassadors on the other two planets, where he learns that the Galactic Patrol's circulating rumors of Dragon Balls are true.
Jaco, Bulma, and Tights return to Earth in Jaco's ship, and learn that Roshi, Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, and Chiaotzu are dead, at which point they gather the Dragon Balls and wish back King Piccolo's victims.
Having been revived, Roshi and Krillin return to Kame House, where they find Mai waiting for them with a sniper rifle at the ready. With King Piccolo out of the picture and Pilaf's castle in ruins, Mai took up residence in the most out-of-the-way place she could find, and that was the Kame House that she and the rest of the Gang tried to raid for a Dragon Ball back in the day. She's kind of filling the Launch role from this point, keeping Roshi's perverted tendencies in check with her sharpshooter skills. Meanwhile, Shu took up residence in Korin's Tower (insert comedic animosity because cats and dogs), where he improved his sword skills and learned to grow Senzu beans. Krillin often comes to Roshi's island to fire Kamehameha beams into the ocean, so he and Mai end up spending a lot of time together. 
Teen Kumu, AI Art
They have a boy named Kumu (named after mushi and kuri, Japanese words for steam and chestnut). He's the "human Gohan" here, idolizing his father and respecting his mother, but scared of combat at first. Unlike Gohan, though, he doesn't have a rage boost, and therefore isn't pushed to fight as much.
Fast-forwarding to the Saiyan invasion, Freiza has spies everywhere, so he learns of the Dragon Balls as well, sending Nappa and Vegeta to Earth to scout (and possibly raze) the planet.
Little did they know how powerful Kami had become. Having the Namekian equivalent to the strength of a Super-Saiyan, or at best, an early Cell Saga "Kamiccolo" level of power, Kami can pretty much solo every villain in the series, up to and including Freiza.
Out of self-preservation, Nappa and Vegeta do the "we were only following orders because he killed our entire race and blew up our planet" schtick, and offer up Freiza's current location, to which Kami teleports, taking Freiza by surprise on his own home turf and vaporizing him with the Shinkankosappo (Piccolo, Jr.'s Special Beam Cannon, but with good guy branding).
Nappa and Vegeta attempt to betray Kami and attack Earth while he's gone, with Vegeta using the Moon Burst Explosion to turn himself and Nappa into Oozaru. With the help of some exposition from King Kai, Krillin tries to use the kienzan to cut off Vegeta's tail, but Vegeta jumps it like in the original, making Nappa take the attack for him, and Nappa is simply in pieces about this betrayal. Instead, Shu is the one to cut off Vegeta's tail.
After this, the four revived human fighters hold off Vegeta with relative ease. Individually, they aren't anywhere near as strong as Goku would have been with the same abilities, but together, they defeat Vegeta. And without Goku to temper their impulses with his own desire to fight strong opponents, they eradicate the last Saiyan (that we know of so far...) with a combined energy blast.
Later, Bulma tries to locate the Dragon Balls to revive any collateral victims of the Saiyan invasion, and sees that the orbs aren't registering anywhere on Earth.
Time to go to space again! But first, the four human fighters propose the addition of a gravity chamber on the ship, after training under the increased gravity of King Kai's planet.
The party this time consists of Bulma, Tights, Mai, Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Jaco. Mai is solidly with Krillin, but she respects Tien's strength, and often begs him to teach her some of his techniques. In the meantime, Kumu is raised and trained by Roshi back on Earth.
When Jaco and the guys aren't training, Yamcha and Bulma have some quality time together, as do Tights and Jaco (yep, I'm doing it!), and Krillin and Mai. In their search across the Universe for the Black Star Dragon Balls, the group have several run-ins with the remains of the Freiza Force, as well as some early GT villains like Ledgic, the Parapara Brothers, Tsunama, and the Church of Lud. They even stop on Yardrat for some refresher training, where Mai learns Spirit Control and becomes the only fighter capable of using Multiform without dividing her strength. But there is no Machine Mutant Empire backing them here, and no connection between the villains, because with the Saiyans all dead (at least, the ones everyone knows about), there is no Tsufurian revenge plot brewing in the background.
Speaking of revenge, though, as the group are battling through the ranks of the now-Cold Force and low-teir GT villains, Freiza's father, King Cold, lands on Earth with roughly a thousand soldiers, looking for Kami. The soldiers are nothing to Kami, but King Cold gives him a challenge. And when Cold is forced to go into his third form to get the upper hand, not even gigantification is enough to match him.
That's when a familiar voice from Kami's past halts their battle, and the two turn to see a young Namekian in a purple gi and white robes standing there, brandishing a cane that looks identical to his own. That voice...that aura...how did he get free?

Kami is terrified at seeing Piccolo loose, but King Cold looks unimpressed. That is, until the young Piccolo turns Orange, strikes the huge monarch with a flurry of pressure point blows with his staff, and vaporizes him with a Light Grenade.
The young Namekian reveals that he is indeed named Piccolo, but he is Kami's son from the future (I'm borrowing a bit from another of Masako's stories here). He traveled back in time, using the Room of Ages, to warn Kami of an impending Android threat that would appear in three years' time. The Androids are the same in this story as in the original, but slightly weaker with less Saiyan data to go on. Also, there is no Future Cell to worry about, either. The embryo in Gero's sub-lab will be a threat later, though.

Back to the conversation between Kami and Piccolo, Piccolo tells him that to beat the Androids, he will need the help of two Saiyans. But it's not Vegeta and Nappa (they showed they can't be brought on-side during the invasion). It's Tarble and Broly!
Piccolo also tells Kami that he should think about retirement. Kami and Guru are getting up there in years, and those new Dragon Balls are more trouble than they're worth. He should let them go inert, and train a few young Namekians to make new ones.
With his time up, Piccolo returns to the Future. Kami immediately heads to Namek to talk to Guru, Dende, and Cargo about what he learned. He also heads to Vampa to pick up Broly (also getting Paragus in the bargain, for better or worse), and then to the unnamed planet where Tarble and Gure are living, and convinces the couple to come with him to Earth, though Tarble is unsure how helpful he will be as a non-combatant Saiyan with less than three years of training.
This is where Kami reveals the Room of Spirit and Time, a chamber on the Lookout that allows one to complete a year of training in twenty-four hours (though he will need to first make some modifications to remove the two-day limit and one-person limit, and to minimize the psychological effects of the Room). While he is repairing it, he takes some time to himself inside, thinking more about his future son's parting words, and when the modifications are complete, he acts on an inspiration to do something he gleaned from the present-day Piccolo's memories: Kami spits out an egg, which soon hatches into an infant Piccolo.
On the outside, Jaco and the humans return from their Black Star Dragon Ball adventure with all seven in hand, and to the tune of many surprises. Vegeta had a nice, kid brother? Killer Androids? Time travel? Kami has a son? Tights and Jaco hooked up? Bulma's pregnant? Mai's pregnant...again? Whaaaaat?!?!?!?!?!? 
And then there's the friendly dynamic that develops between Tarble and Broly, in stark contrast to the elder Paragus, who despises the Vegeta bloodline for what Tarble's father did to him and his son. But Tarble reminds him that King Vegeta did the same thing to him, exiling him to a worthless planet. It's all about what you do with what you're given.
Paragus grumbles at this, keeping his cards close for the time being.
Kami trains Dende and Cargo, as well as Piccolo, in the ways of being a Guardian; and after some time, Dende is able to purify the Black Star Dragon Balls back to their original form. Piccolo picks up on this skill first because of his lineage, but is more interested in combat training than succeeding his father, and so frequently accompanies Tarble into the RoS&T.
Broly and Paragus enter as a pair on their turns (though Broly finds it easier to rein himself in with Tarble as his partner), as do Krillin, Kumu, and Yamcha, and Tien and Chiaotzu.

Being in mixed relationships, Tights and Gure become fast friends while Tarble trains.
Jaco, being the least interested in the rigors of sparring after all that gravity training he did in space, becomes the frantic nursemaid to Bulma, at Tights'...request.

When the three years have passed, everyone is stronger, with Tarble and Paragus having acheived Super-Saiyan Grade 4 and Broly having gained control of his Ikari state.
The human fighters are stronger, too, being able to use higher multipliers of Kaio Ken without wrecking their bodies. But the aces here (as Future Piccolo intended) will be the Saiyans.
Right on schedule, the Androids begin their attack on South City. But something is different than the average Dragon Ball fan would expect. Future Piccolo didn't have time to describe 17 and 18 to Kami, so the Z-Fighters are none the wiser to the temporal discrepancy when they split up to search the city, with Yamcha and Krillin running afoul of a mechanincally enhanced Doctor Gero, and Tien and Chiaotzu surprised to encounter Cyborg Tao. That's right; instead of the ceramic clown in Hammer pants that is Android 19, I'm finally bringing the cybernetic Mercenary Tao into this scenario! His original reappearance in Dragon Ball's third tournament went unexplained beyond "he's back as a cyborg so Tien can have closure." We still get that thematic bit here, but now his cyborg form has an explanation, and he's a lot stronger; kind of a lowballing of what Android 19 would have been. But in the original, Tien alone was able to hold off a well-fed, second-form Cell after a three-year training period, and here, he has Kaio Ken and the Spirit Bomb on top of that. Chiaotzu is also relevant in this story, and because of his smaller frame, he can handle higher Kaio Ken multipliers than Tien. So even with Cyborg Tao being on Android 19's level in this scenario (effectively replacing him), he stands no chance against Tien and Chiaotzu.
Yamcha and Krillin fare worse against Gero, as they are weaker than Tien in this story, and Gero (unlike Cyborg Tao) can absorb energy from them on contact. They fight him for awhile, but are worn down by Gero's Infinity Engine and energy absorption, and Gero eyebeam's Yamcha through the chest to distract Krillin, so he can escape and release more Androids. Unlike the massive chest wound he received in the original, Yamcha is able to survive the eyebeam wounds thanks to Krillin giving him a Senzu bean (I neglected this little detail in the last part, but Korin did introduce these two to Senzu beans during their Sacred Water training).
As Cell is still an embryo here, there's no need for Gero to release 17 and 18 yet, so when he gets back to his lab, he instead activates three others....
Back on the Lookout, the Saiyans, Namekians, and Jaco, Gure, Bulma, Kumu, and Tights are surprised by the sudden appearance of Future Piccolo, who storms up to Kami, wanting to know why he didn't send the Saiyans down to Earth to destroy 17 and 18. Confused by these identifiers, Kami scans the area around South City and says the four human fighters were able to handle Gero and Tao. This is when Future Piccolo reveals that something is wrong; these Androids are different to the ones who destroyed his world. The ones he knows about look like teenagers, and they're too strong to be taken out by mere human fighters.
At Gero's lab, three unusual figures step out of their numbered pods: a short, purple Android dressed in garish, barbershop quartet attire; a muscular, quiet one dressed like a Roman gladiator, and a tall, blonde one in Red Ribbon khakis and a trucker hat.
Androids 13, 14, and 15 (especially 13) look upon their creator with disdain. He locked them away for being defective models, and now here he was, cowering and desperate for their help? Not mighty kind, is it, folks?
Gero saw this animosity in their faces and fumbled for the detonator in his pocket, trying to threaten them with permanent deactivation, but 13 was too fast, crushing the old man's shoulder with one hand and chopping his head clean off with the other (you might say he gave Gero a thirty-dollar haircut...). With that, they exited the lab and began scanning for Krillin and Yamcha's energy. By the time they found their targets, Tien and Chiaotzu had joined them, earlier sensing Yamcha's ki begin to fail. The three new Androids attacked immediately, and unlike with Gero and Tao, not even the humans' continued number advantage was a match for them.
Though the Androids did not have ki themselves, Kami sensed the danger his...friends?...were in. Huh...in all the time he had known these people, Kami had never thought of putting a label on their dynamic. He was far stronger than most of them (not counting the three Saiyans he recruited), and he had watched over them as Earth's Guardian since they were born, but while they weren't equals by any definition, Kami felt no air of superiority over them. After the Black Star incident, it didn't feel right to consider himself a Guardian, either. But he at least cared about them, felt concern for them, and trusted in them to do right where he could not be. Maybe that was friendship? Something else to think about later....
Anyway, before he could even react, Piccolo had already gathered Tarble, Paragus, and Broly together and used his own Instant Transmission to take them to the fight.
South City was in a shambles, but even so, it didn't feel right to take on the Androids here (especially with Broly in the equation). Looks like it's off to a frozen wasteland!
Once they are in the new location, the trios pair off as follows: Tarble (in Super-Saiyan) vs. Android 15, Broly (in Ikari) vs. Android 14, and Paragus (in Super-Saiyan) vs. Android 13.
The matchups are pretty even at first, but Broly takes the first victory thanks to his ability to grow stronger as he fights, wiping out 14 with an Omega Blast.
Originally, Dragon Ball's Saiyan characters (without rival chemistry) would respect each other's desire for a challenging, one-on-one fight. But with Broly being momentum incarnate and not having an opponent right now, he would probably head for the nearest conflict. By this point, Tarble would be on the back foot against Android 15 until Broly shows up and takes him out as well. Paragus would last a bit longer on his own against Android 13, using his combat experience and tactical prowess to prolong the fight.
But when the numeric odds seem stacked against him (Broly and a Senzu'd-up Tarble coming to Paragus' aid), Android 13 activates his failsafe, absorbing the processors and bombs from 14 and 15 into himself and becoming the red-haired, blue-skinned behemoth that is Super Android 13.
Super 13 lacks the consciousness of his normal form, and so lashes out violently at the nearest target: Paragus.
With that, all of the mental safeguards that Broly had built up to control himself over the past three years of training crumbled away. He screamed with a fury that could be heard and felt for miles around, even rattling the Lookout itself, and was engulfed in a column of greenish-yellow aura that stretched tens of thousands of feet into the sky. When the pillar dissipated, Broly was still surrounded by the greenish-yellow aura, but his height and muscle mass had increased dramatically, and his hair had changed color, too; Broly had become a Super-Saiyan.
It's too early in this story for Broly to be at the cosmic deity levels that he is in the Dragon Ball Super movies, but he's still Broly. Let's say for Androids Saga sake that his green-haired Super-Saiyan form is slightly stronger than teenage Gohan was in Super-Saiyan 2 against Cell in the original. Plus, he doesn't have the fatigue or injury that Gohan had at the time. So if it was unclear whether Androids could feel fear, Super-Saiyan Broly is your answer. Also, yes. If Broly could kill Super 13 with a look, the Android would be dead now. Not that he would be alive much longer anyway. Super 13 can only try to run and parry a few blows from "the devil" (that was promotional hyperbole used to get the first Broly film over in the 90s) at first, but Broly's genetic quirk quickly overwhelms the Android, and the fight ends with Broly mindlessly hammering him into spare hardware and scrap metal, only stopping when he makes contact with the three explosive devices, causing them to all detonate in his face simultaneously and knock him unconscious.

Deep in a sub-basement of Gero's lab, a large computer monitor blinks to life, on which is depicted a pixellated image of Gero's face. Standing at the console is a red-haired woman in a lab coat and red-and-blue checkered clothing. She turns to face a massive gestation tank, where an embryo the size of a large cashew can be seen, floating in a greenish liquid.
"In time, my love," says Vomi. "Revenge will come in time...."

This will all play out later. But for now, Earth enters a time of relative peace.

Unnerved by his lack of control over Super-Saiyan, Broly has elected to travel to Yardrat for meditative training.
Much like Piccolo, Jr. in the original, Present Piccolo in this story has matured nearly to the physique of a teenager. He has many of Kami's memories, as well, so he can do just about everything Kami can do: Instant Transmission, the Shinkankosappo, gigantification, farsight, and (as mentioned in the last part) he knows how to make Dragon Balls. But as a result of hanging out with the Saiyans, he spends his days figuring out how to use his Guardian abilities in combat, rather than just being a proxy for his father. He's even been to Namek a few times and sparred with Nail. Piccolo enjoys these trips, and unlike Kami's first time on Namek, Nail seems to appreciate Piccolo's visits, as well. It's like they just get each other.
Besides, with Dende taking the Guardian role on Earth and Cargo succeeding Guru upon his passing, Piccolo doesn't need to be a Guardian anyway. He still shares his knowledge on a conciliary basis, but is otherwise content to be a fighter. The only thing that really weighs heavily on his mind is a flash of Kami's memory from when his future self arrived: he wanted to know how to get that Orange form (he isn't going to get it right away, though; there's still a long road ahead for him).
In this time of peace, there has also been new life.
Bulma has given birth to a girl named Bulla, who is scarily good with ki for a baby.

Marin, AI Art

Around this time, Mai gives birth to her second child: A girl named Marin (not to be confused with his and 18's daughter from the original, Marron, or Krillin's Bulma-alike filler girlfriend, Maron; this is a combination of Mai's name and the end of Krillin's Japanese name).

Bahdo, AI Art

The following year, Tights gave birth to a cute, little alien boy named Straps (yes, it's a play on jockstrap, because his father is Jaco), followed soon after by Gure's daughter, Bahdo (I Googled "grey vegetable," and the first thing that came up was the grey Hubbard squash, so Gure and Tarble's daughter is named Bahdo).

Now, back to the story....

Without a strict academic upbringing, and his martial arts and weapons training, Kumu has gotten a job as a police officer (like father, like son). Thus, he is present for the bank standoff when Videl shows up, and accidentally reveals his true strength to her like Gohan did in the original. There's no Saiyaman weirdness, no Cell Games trauma, no Golden Warrior or anything like that because there was no Ginyu force influence and he's not a Saiyan, but Kumu plays off his abilities by saying he's part of a special program, testing powered police gear that boosts his strength and lets him fly. She buys it at first, but she decides to follow him one day, and sees him flying...out of uniform. The blackmail and romance dynamics occur like in the original, ending with Kumu teaching Videl how to use ki to fly and enhance her strength. Also, he has to fight in the tournament that's coming up.

Five years after Marin and the other kids are born, it's time for the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai. Much like the original, there is a Junior division and an Adult division now, with the Junior competitors including Bulla, Straps, Bahdo, and Marin, all of whom make the Final Four without breaking a sweat. Marin easily defeats Straps because she's more skilled and Straps (much like his father) doesn't take the fight seriously. Bahdo defeats Bulla thanks to the Saiyan factor, but Bulla still puts up a good fight thanks to her uncanny ki control. This is also the case for the final between Bahdo and Marin as well, but it's a much more spectacular fight, with moments that ring of original Dragon Ball fights like Goku vs. Tien 22 and Goku vs. Krillin 23. The "prize" happens much like the original, with Bahdo getting a bonus match against the reigning, two-time champ, Hercule (Videl's father), and comedically owning him with a single punch.
The Adult division competitors are Tarble, Kumu, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Videl, Shin, Kibito, Spopovich, Yamu, and Hercule.
The backstage drama between Piccolo, Shin, and Kibito happen the same, as do the squash match between Videl and Spopovich, with Kumu giving the brute a stunning punch to the gut and flying Videl to safety.
Once at the hospital, Kumu stays with Videl to make sure she is in stable condition. When Hercule shows up to check on Videl, the two men butt heads, and Kumu sneaks her a Senzu bean like Gohan did in the original, the results of which confound Hercule and the doctors, giving Kumu a chance to slip away.
The Tournament continues with Kibito vs. Tarble, where the Kai attendant goads Tarble into Super-Saiyan so he can flush out Yamu and follow the two Majin-ized goons to their destination. The tournament is a wash now; the spectators are traumatized by the events of the last two matchups, and...did all of the competitors just leave? By flying?

Yes, and it's a long flight full of exposition about an ancient space wizard named Babidi and how he brainwashes people into gathering fighting energy for him so he can revive his living instrument of destruction, Majin Buu.

Well, Hercule is still on the tournament grounds, and he hosted and financed the event, so the Champ stays the Champ?

As in the original, Spopovich and Yamu spend their final moments learning what body horror is, and Babidi puts the Z-Fighters through a boss gauntlet that serves to both keep them from hindering his plans, and forces them to fight so he can gather their energy for Buu.
On the surface, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Kumu, and Kibito try to stall Dabura the Demon King, whose spit turns Krillin, Yamcha, and Kibito to stone. Piccolo gets struck on the arm, but rips it off before the petrification can spread any further, and grows a new one. Then, we get a cool battle of attrition in Piccolo and Kumu vs. Dabura, with Piccolo setting up the Light Zone Grenade (Hellzone Grenade, but with good guy branding) field while Kumu uses his Destructo Sword technique in combination with Kaio Ken to engage the Demon King in a high-speed sword fight. It looks awesome, and continues until Babidi calls Dabura away, saying that he has something more important for the demon to prepare for the other fighters. Unfortunately, Yamcha and Kibito are shattered by Dabura in the exchange.
Meanwhile, Tarble, Tien, and Shin make their way into Babidi's subterranean spaceship.
On the first level, Tien is the one to fight Pui Pui (it was Vegeta in the original), with Babidi transporting them to Zoon, Pui Pui's homeworld, which has gravity ten times stronger than on Earth. But not only did Tien undergo the most effective training on King Kai's planet (which has that same gravity multiplier), he trained under even higher gravity during the Black Star quest. So Pui Pui is nothing to Tien.
Level Two sees Tarble going up against Yakon. I use the word, "sees," quite loosely here, as their fight is transported to Yakon's lightless homeworld, the Dark Star. Which makes little sense because Yakon feeds on light, but the author of one of the best battle shonen manga in history can't think of everything.... Just like Goku did in the original, Tarble cranks up Super-Saiyan, feeding his ki to Yakon until the beast explodes.
But Babidi is only slightly perturbed by this, as he tells the fighters above and below that he has one more opponent for them. Remember that thing he had Dabura put the finishing touches on?
When Tarble, Tien, and Shin reach the bottom level, a door slides open at the far end of the room, and a familiar figure emerges: Vegeta.
Vegeta here isn't anywhere near as strong as he would have been in the original, but considering how Babidi's magic turned Spopovich (once the second strongest normal human on Earth) into an unstoppable mass of flying muscle and savagery, let's say this story's Majin Vegeta gets to a level of Super-Saiyan Grade 4, rather than an enhanced Super-Saiyan 2.
As the only one capable of matching that power, Tarble steps up once again. It's a great, symbolic, brother vs. brother fight, in which Vegeta spouts his old rhetoric about Tarble being weak and useless and an outcast not worthy of the Vegeta family legacy, while Tarble proves him wrong in real time by not only keeping pace with his more experienced, older brother, but getting in a few good shots here and there.
Oh, and Shin is shouting at them to stop feeding Majin Buu. But that goes as well as expected; soon enough, the walnut shell-looking ball that contains Majin Buu cracks open, and pink mist wafts from its interior. The ball appears to be empty, but an ominous ki fills the air, making Tarble and Vegeta stop their battle. Rather than dissipating, the pink mist coalesces in the sky above them, taking the shape of a childish, pudgy, genie-looking thing that starts cavorting around, laughing, and doing a strange ribbon dance with a strip of its own belly fat. The dance is soon accompanied by Buu spitting red energy balls across the landscape.
No one knows what to do. Babidi can't believe this childish fool is the weapon his father left to him. The remaining fighters try in vain to attack Buu with every physical and ki-based maneuver they know, but even when they do manage to make a dent or hole in Buu, he just laughs it off, sucks in a breath, and pop! It's like nothing ever happened. Babidi is thrilled with this development and commands Buu to finish them off, but the pink menace blows a raspberry at him. It's evident now that Buu can't be controlled, so Babidi sends Dabura in to fight him, only for Buu to immediately fire his Food Beam, transforming Dabura into a cookie and eating him. Babidi shouts more epithets his way, but Buu just floats up to the little potato wizard with a dead, menacing look in his eyes, and patty-cake's Babidi's head into a Thanksgiving side with red-eye gravy. Ouch! Eww!
Speaking of Ouch and Eww, with Dabura having been killed, Krillin de-petrifies and looks around to find Kibito and Yamcha have also de-petrified...in pieces. But Yamcha's pieces have fallen into a certain, memetic pose. So, yay for fans?
And speaking of fan service, now that there's no one to control Majin Buu (if he could have ever been controlled), Vegeta realizes the mistake he made in letting Babidi and Dabura get him out of Hell for petty revenge. He also acknowledges Tarble's growth and "pride" as a Saiyan warrior, hugging his kid brother before knocking him out with a gut-punch and facing Majin Buu on his own. Like in the original, Vegeta unleashes all of his ki in a Final Explosion, sacrificing himself to destroy Majin Buu. But also like in the original, this does nothing because Majin Buu can regenerate.
With no one left to fight him at the moment, Buu flies off to enjoy himself, terrorizing cities and turning their inhabitants into candy, cookies, donuts, and other treats to inhale en masse.
Sensing all of this, Shin hurries to wake up Tarble, and comes up with an idea: this isn't the same Majin Buu he remembered from those millions of years ago; absorbing Shin's master, the Grand Supreme Kai, changed Buu's appearance and demeanor. So maybe they can stop Buu by appealing to his childish nature?
Tarble shudders at the thought of engaging Buu in conversation. One wrong word, and he, too, could be rendered...narrow-minded...at the hands of Buu. Ugh.... Yes, Tarble had experience with this kind of thing from the time he spent with Broly, but Broly actually made sense; Buu, on the other hand, danced with his own belly fat and turned people into junk food. Not exactly normal....
Meanwhile, Piccolo has also sensed the growing threat of Majin Buu, and he, along with Kumu and Krillin, teleports to the Lookout, having his own plan in mind. But to go through with this plan invites much turmoil upon his soul.
As Kumu and Krillin train together in the Room of Spirit and Time, Piccolo reluctantly approaches his father.
With their differing philosophies, Piccolo and Kami never talked to each other much. It wasn't animous, like the God/Demon dynamic they had in the original; just a simple generation gap between father and son. Their awkward dynamic wasn't the only thing weighing on Piccolo, either. During his trips to Namek, he would often converse with Nail about Namekian history (when they weren't sparring), and one time, Piccolo broached the subject of fusion. His father had done it to protect the Earth once, and it had made Kami stronger. But to Nail, fusion was a taboo subject. There were so few of his people left that to allow fusion could put their race in jeopardy. Furthermore, there was no telling which personality would dominate in a fusion, or if an entirely new one would replace them both. The existential dread was almost too much to bear.
Thankfully, Kami and Piccolo didn't have to say much of anything because they could read each other's minds. All Kami said was, "Do what you think is best." Piccolo nodded and put his hand on Kami's chest. A bright light surrounded them, and when it faded, only Piccolo remained. He now had all of Kami's memories in addition to his own, as well as Kami's incredible power. Piccolo felt amazing! Great! Wonderful! Stupendous! Thesaurus! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Back on the ground, Tarble went about tracking down Majin Buu, who had grown bored with eating people and was just sitting cross-legged in the dirt in front of his odd-looking house, drawing with a stick.
Animeister's Note: I considered following in the paces of one of Masako's early What If? stories, and just having Tarble go Super-Saiyan and vaporize Buu while his guard was down. But that's not in Tarble's character, and if he did try that, he isn't strong enough to keep Buu from regenerating. If Majin Vegeta couldn't do it with all of his ki, Tarble has no chance of pulling it off.

Instead of that, a shuddering Tarble just approaches Buu, sits cross-legged across from him, and starts commenting on Buu's dirt-art, which is as terrifying and hilarious as it sounds.
Sure enough, Buu soon gets bored with this exchange, and decides he is hungry.
Though he is frightened that Buu might decide to turn him into candy becuase of the genie's short attention span, Tarble takes the risk of distracting Buu by asking if he really needs to turn people into sweets. Buu says that he likes the taste of real sweets better, but he's always hungry and there aren't enough of them in the world to satisfy him. This gives Tarble an idea, and he asks Buu to wait for him to bring food. Buu agrees, and continues with his dirt art, now drawing still lives of various foods. He is soon joined by Bee, a little dog who had been watching Buu and Tarble from a distance. With Tarble gone, Bee has gathered the courage to approach Majin Buu, and begins eyeing the stick in Buu's hand, then looking off in the distance, then back to the stick, the distance, the stick,..., until Buu gets the idea and throws the stick.
While Bee and Majin Buu are playing fetch, Tarble flies to Korin Tower to enact his plan. Originally, Senzu beans weren't written as the instant cure that they would become in Dragon Ball Z. In the Dragon Ball part of the story, a Senzu bean was more of a dietary supplement, able to keep a person full and energized for ten days. So going off of that, Tarble came up with the idea to disguise Senzu beans as gumballs, malt balls, chocolate-covered nuts, and other varieties of sweets. Sure, Buu wouldn't be satisfied with just one Senzu bean, but if he ate enough, even Buu could be satisfied for those ten days. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it was a smart one.
But back at Buu's house, the play session with Bee is cut short when Van Zant, Smitty, and an unexpected addition to their group set their sights on the playful pair.
As in the original story, Van Zant shoots Bee, and Majin Buu heals the little dog, but is so overcome with fury that steam starts coming out of his...pores?
But unlike the original, the steam doesn't form into Evil Buu; instead, it wafts through the air, like a delicious smell in an old cartoon, as it seems drawn to the third member of Van Zant's group: : Vomi, of the Red Ribbon Army.

See, back in Part One, I mentioned that Bulma did Forced Spirit Fission training on Yardrat. Because the Saiyan invasion didn't happen quite the same as the original, Dr. Gero's surveillance and DNA-gathering drones survived, and some of them found their way to Yardrat. Since Androids 13, 14, and 15 were destroyed, leaving Vomi and a digitized Gero to continue their revenge schemes, Vomi had taken steps to enhance herself (call her Android 21, if you like), including incorporation of data and DNA into her body and systems that would allow her to use Forced Spirit Fission. She and the Doctor had planned to wait a few more years before striking again when their technology had been more refined (and the Cell Project was fully grown), but the emergence of Majin Buu presented an opportunity too good to pass up: she and Gero had developed ki-suppression bullets that she wanted to test on Buu, and she used this to prey on Van Zant's twisted hero complex; Van Zant could be the one to neutralize Buu and save the world! And if that didn't work, she could simply absorb Buu's energy and dispose of Van Zant at her whim. But Vomi had no idea that Van Zant would target the dog first, or that Buu would have the kind of reaction that he did. Instead, she ended up absorbing the entirety of Evil Buu. This included the original Buu's rage toward Van Zant and Smitty the butler for killing "his dog."
People kept saying that Majin Buu was back. And now? Oh, yeah; I'm thinking Buu is back.
"You did well," said Vomi, concealing her concern as she held her hands up to siphon off Buu's essence.
"My pleasure, babe!" Van Zant replied with a grin. "Now, about my payment...?"
But the man was so engrossed in fantasies of riches, bloodshed, and false heroism that he didn't notice the woman beside him starting to change form. When he did notice, the woman named Vomi now had dark grey skin, white hair, and was wearing an outfit similar to what that pink blob was wearing. Weird.
Sexy-looking, but weird.
"Oh, you'll pay alright," said Evil Majin Vomi. "Now that Vomi is hungry." With that, her body began to lose form and turn into a sludge-like substance before crawling down Van Zant's throat.
Unable to control his body, Van Zant raised his rifle and shot Smitty dead.
Inside Van Zant's body, Vomi had eaten all of the man's vital organs, and began to expand until his flesh ruptured and he popped like a balloon.
"Not as delicious as candy," Vomi said, pouting. "Hey, Gummy-boy!?"
Buu looks up, having just healed Bee's wound. "You talking to Buu?"
"Yes. Vomi would like candy. Do you have candy?"
"No, Buu don't have candy...." Then Buu remembered something. "Oh! Buu's new friend said he would come back with candy!"
"Where is Buu's new friend now?"
Buu thought hard, and pointed a yellow-mitted hand in the direction of Korin Tower. "Buu's friend is that way. But really high up."
"Thank you, Buu." Vomi then fired a pink beam from her finger that turned Majin Buu into a gumball, and she swallowed GumBuu in one bite. With that, her body began to change again; still retaining the djinn-like attire and white hair, but a bit more curvaceous and with pink skin. She had become Super Vomi.
Super Vomi flew in an upward arc towards Korin Tower, keeping Tarble's image and energy signature in mind that she had absorbed from Buu.
When she arrived at her destination, Super Vomi saw a strange sight: a talking cat, a dog dressed as a ninja, and a young Saiyan man were rushing around a makeshift kitchen like madmen, churning out all manner of desserts and snacks at an inhuman pace (fitting for two animal-people and an alien), too frantic and engrossed in their task to notice that a pink woman was floating outside the window, watching them.
"Pardon the interruption," said Vomi, stopping the horrified trio in their tracks. "You are Buu's new friend, yes?" She pointed directly at Tarble, who got into a tentative fighting stance.
"Y-yes?" said Tarble with a flinch.
"Well, Vomi ate Buu, so now you are Vomi's friend. Will you give Vomi candy?"
"Ate?" Was all Tarble could manage after processing this flow of information.
The Buu part of Vomi grew impatient at this response, and raised a glowing finger at Tarble. "Look, new friend; Vomi is hungry. You have candy. Will you give Vomi candy, or will Vomi take your candy and eat you all, too?"
This threat unfroze Tarble very quickly, and he gathered a huge pile of sweets on the biggest platter he could find, presenting the smorgasbord to Super Vomi with shaky hands.
Unlike Buu, though, Vomi (the human part of her) liked to savor food, rather than just inhale it. She took a red velvet cupcake (which had been dotted through with Senzu bean nibs and frosted with a Senzu extract buttercream), and ran her finger through the frosting, which she licked clean before taking a bite of the cupcake itself. The look on her face was like something out of Food Wars, and she popped the rest of the cupcake into her mouth before moving on to a sampler of chocolate-covered Senzu beans and Senzu-infused chocolate chip cookies, followed by a few Senzu bean-decorated gingerbread men (because I have to work Christmas into this somehow).
"I'm...glad you like them?" Tarble said with lingering unease. He didn't know how much it would take to keep this female Buu thing full, or if his plan would even work at all. But Super Vomi eventually finished the entire platter of sweets, and something strange began to occur: her aura flashed and she clutched her stomach with both hands. As she did so, her skin flickered rapidly between pink and dark grey, until both colors disappeared in puffs of smoke that then seeped into her skin and she fell to the floor, unconscious. Now, she looked more human: a red-haired woman wearing red and blue checkered clothing and a lab coat with the insignia of...
"The Red Ribbon Army!?" Tarble took a more aggressive fighting stance now, flashing into Super-Saiyan. "I thought we defeated them five years ago!"
Tarble approached the unconscious scientist, reverting to base form only after checking to see if she was feigning her condition, which she wasn't. "What do we do with her?"
"That's your call, bucko," said Korin. "Just get her outta here before you wreck anything!"
"Okay," Tarble said sheepishly. "Thank you for your help, Korin." With a bow, he scooped up the unconscious Red Ribbon scientist.
Hey, Tarble! Piccolo's voice barked in his mind. What's going on? What happened to Majin Buu?
That's a long, weird story; I'll be up in a minute to tell you what I know. My...guest...can fill in the rest.
With that, he flew up to the Lookout, carrying Vomi over one shoulder.
When he reached the Lookout, everyone present was shocked to see Tarble carrying someone wearing Red Ribbon attire, but he assured them she wasn't a threat...for now...maybe?
Tarble and Piccolo exchanged pleasantries and big developments (Tarble's tenuous exchanges with Buu and the Red Ribbon woman, and Piccolo's fusion with Kami).
When Vomi regained consciousness, she found herself on a cushy day bed inside a solid marble gazebo. Two people were watching her with cautious but concerned looks on their faces. She knew from available data that one was a Namekian (though she couldn't identify him because at the time of the Android 13 incident, Piccolo was still a child) and the other was a Saiyan named Tarble.
She glared at Tarble and lunged from the bed to attack him. "Your friends killed my dog!" But no sooner did she utter those words than she was gripped by a terrible headache, her hair flashing white, and she slumped to the floor, her fist inches away from connecting with Tarble's face.
Tarble was confused. This woman, who worked for one of the worst threats that the Earth had ever seen, was attacking them over a dog? Ir didn't make any sense.
"Let me talk to her," Piccolo said, to Tarble's surprise. "I can feel something about her that I can...relate to."
Tarble recalled his recent conversation with Piccolo, and nodded.
"One more thing; I think it'll be safer for what's left of the world if we go in the Room of Spirit and Time. If we don't come out after two days, blow up the door."
Tarble looked shocked at this, but nodded in understanding. "See you in a few days, Piccolo. Good luck!"
Piccolo grunted, carried Vomi into the Room, and shut the door.
Awaken. Vomi heard the Namekian's voice in her mind, and a wave of awareness washed over her, causing her to bolt upright. "Where are we?"
"Remain calm...Vomi, wasn't it?"
"Yes." Vomi took a deep breath. "Can you answer my question, Namekian?"
"It's Piccolo;" he corrected her. He then proceeded to tell her about the properties of the Room, which she took with much suspicion.
"So, are you planning on keeping me prisoner here?"
"Nah," said Piccolo. "I'm not the Guardian type. I just wanted to talk to you on neutral ground."
"What about?"
"First of all, what was that about us killing your dog?"
"Did I really say 'dog'?" asked Vomi, a hand on her forehead. "No, that's not right; that maniac sniper I hired was the one to kill the dog."
"Then why is your organization still trying to kill us?"
"When those two friends of yours attacked Muscle Tower back then--Yamcha and Krillin--my son, Gevo, was killed in the collapse. I've been planning my revenge ever since!"
"That's stupid," said Piccolo flatly.
"How dare you?" Vomi screamed, powering up and launching herself at Piccolo.
Piccolo, who had grown ridiculously strong since absorbing Kami, dodged her easily and restrained her with a Dragon Ball classic: the full nelson.
"Revenge is stupid, Vomi," said Piccolo. "Think about it; instead of wasting all these years and resources to send instruments of destruction against us, you could have just collected the Dragon Balls and wished your son back to life."
Vomi stopped struggling, now hit with the full weight of her error in judgement, and slumped forward, staining the ground with her tears.
Though it wasn't exactly in his nature to do so (maybe it was the Kami in him), Piccolo put a comforting hand on Vomi's shoulder. But in the instant he touched her, Piccolo felt something that made him recoil: a dark sadness and emptiness was building inside her.
"I didn't know what would happen!" Vomi said through her tears. "It wasn't supposed to be this way! All the planning, the Androids, that stupid sniper, all this power, and it got me nothing!"
"Why?" Vomi asked no one in particular. "Why?" The Room of Spirit and Time began to shake more and more violently with each repitition. "Why do I feel so empty!?" She screamed this last, a smoky ki seeming to emit from her pores, staining her skin a dark grey; the Evil Vomi persona had returned.
Tarble! Piccolo shouted with all his mental strength. Blow the door! NOW!
An instant later, the living quarters that marked the inside exit of the Room wavered and disappeared around them, leaving Piccolo and Evil Vomi trapped in the white void.
"What did you do?" she screamed.
"I made a choice to protect the people I care about," Piccolo said. "From the biggest mistake of my life. Now, we're both trapped in here together; forever!"
"Now, Vomi is empty! Hungry! Let Vomi out or Vomi will eat you!"
"You can if you want, but then you'll be stuck here, and with three more voices in your head!"
This thought, this perpetual, maddening emptiness and hunger, was enough to terrify even Vomi. She screamed into the void, louder and louder, making Piccolo dizzy with the increasing volume, and now there was a pink mist coming from Vomi's pores. She soon transformed back into Super Vomi, and her screaming continued, becoming ki as much as it was sound, such that (just like in the original) it tore a hole in reality: a hole to the outside world.
Upon seeing the architecture of the Lookout once again, Super Vomi leapt through the spatial tear, with Piccolo just managing to follow her before the hole repaired itself.
When he next laid eyes on Super Vomi, she was standing in a triumphant pose, her hand raised and gathering a ball of pink energy.
"Vomi will do you a courtesy," she said. "You," Vomi pointed at Tarble, "were kind to the one who gave Vomi this form, and you gave Vomi delicious, filling sweets.
"As for you," now pointing at Piccolo, "You tried to trap Vomi, but you also tried to help Vomi. Vomi also needs Dragon Balls, so Little Green will be spared, too. As will your loved ones. The rest of humanity must die!"

And that's where we'll end things for now.

and MasakoX Fan,


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