Chucky #7: Twice the Grieving, Double the Loss
Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a The Ticketmaster With so much going on right now for me personally, I've missed out on a lot of reviewable content. Disney Plus Day came and went without much fanfare, I haven't seen Shang-Chi or the first two episodes of Hawkeye yet, I'm just now working on this review the day of the season finale, I haven't reviewed any anime in over three months, my Halloween plans to review the Hatchet series were replaced by Chucky (though if I were less encumbered by work, school, and personal life, I could have planned an actual rollout schedule to stick to and accomplished all of these and more), and I have yet to complete the first class of my final undergraduate year in the accounting program at WGU. A course that I've already taken twice. And failed twice. And I am feeling all the loss. It sucks. But not as bad as having all of your closest friends and family die or otherwise leave you because fatal "accidents" follow you eve...