Chucky #2.5: The Coming Of Rage
Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a The Ticketmaster So, I just found out that the Chucky fandom is incredibly toxic. Why am I surprised? Because the internet is a horror movie and I'm the dumbass who decided to have an opinion in a virtual roomful of venomous, under-educated slasher villains whose twisted code is to only murder people with opinions they don't like. Even worse, I expressed my opinion based on false information. And dumbasses with bad ideas are always surprised when they get murdered. I could go on a rant about how technology is making people dumber, more isolated in their togetherness, angrier, etc. But I'd be repeating myself and not getting to why this post I'm writing right now is even a thing. I could also waste time trashing those who called me pretentious, egotistical, a bad writer, and a minority voice spreading falsehoods from his high I will because I enjoy what I do, I've been doing it for more than half of their miserable lives, a...