AniMonday Filler #1: Dragon Ball BE
AniMonday apologies, Weebotaks! It seems like I've been doing a lot of apologizing lately, what with my unprofessional conduct regarding my social media presence, my inconvenient work life, and the amends I am making for my nerd memorabilia- and mobile game-related debt. On the latter subject, I recently received my fifth of six debt-settlement amounts from the relief and consolidation company. I will still be making payments toward the agreed-upon amounts for the foreseeable future, but progress is progress, and I am sticking to the program, so, good news! A program that I will unfortunately not be able to stick to this week is my promised review of Rising Of the Shield Hero for Isekai "Quartet" . In its place, I bring you a super-long post that consists of the first three published chapters of my fanfiction, Dragon Ball: BE , or "What If Broly Was Sent to Earth Instead Of Goku?" Here is my current choice for a cover image, which I found licensed for persona...