TicketVerse Update: Hiatus Explained

Apologies for the lack of content these last few weeks. While working on an issue of Anime-BAW, my anime list was deleted, and I had to re-compile it. I also decided that while I was putting it together, I would just write offline reviews of all of the series on my list and figure out what went together genre-wise when I was done. That, combined with my continued work on GFT Retrospective material, home and work life, writing and then re-writing a novel that I've been obsessing over for five-plus years now, and putting all the pieces together to go back to college, I haven't been in a frame of mind to put together a string of diverse content like I have in the past (and keep in mind that I'm doing this all by myself...). Rest assured, though, that when things quiet down here, I will be returning with fresh issues of Anime-BAW, GFT Retrospective, New Piece Offerings, and TicketVerse Throwbacks.

Until then, Stay Tuned patiently and enjoy your independence.

Sean Wilkinson,
signing out.


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