Cover Charge #5: A Tale Of Two Kings

I've been feeling rather aimless lately. Maybe it's the onslaught of five average-to-barely tolerable monster movies that I assigned myself to reviewing. Maybe it's the dreary atmosphere that takes over this time of year. Or maybe its a sort of post-partum side effect of having finished reading Stephen and Owen King's Sleeping Beauties and not being inspired to do anything afterward, like I summitted a particularly formidable mountain and lack the desire to take in any particular view, no matter how beautiful, nor to immediately make my way back down. I'm simply here, at a peak that feels more like a valley, waiting for the winter chill to eat my toes. Don't get me wrong; I don't mean to say, in this age where saying "Stephen King books are too long" has become an understatement of the impossible, that Sleeping Beauties was as insurmountable to me as Mount Everest would be to, well, me . I only mean that having accomplished such a literary fea...