
Showing posts from March, 2025

Time Drops #91: Week of March 9, 2025

Content Calendar Announcement, Week of March 9, 2025 by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster This week has seen a big cut in work hours for me (hopefully just for the week) and a drop in views, and despite having all of that spare time to work on content, I hit a wall made of ideas that left me indecisive about which I should tackle first and how to begin talking about each of them, what to watch or read next, and whether I should do so before or after executing on the pile of ideas that's stalling me now. When I think too much these days, I usually do a run-through (or three) of Vampire Survivors ' Adventure mode until I get bored or fall asleep. Also, I kept having to fix my father's computer (which decided out of the blue that it didn't know what an operating system was), and somewhere in there, I managed to get my taxes filed, so even though I feel like I'm failing at content, at least I'm breaking even at life. Whether life feels the same way about me is...

Just the Ticket #172: Martial Law

by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Black Belt Ticketmaster and Zero-Degree White Belt Martial Artist. Yeah; the only thing I've retained from my Elementary school karate classes is using stances to lift and push heavy things. It's embarrassing how much I'm incapable of physically defending myself. Or maybe not? There has been a lot of "karate is fake" discourse going on in the past few years. Nowadays, the only discourse I care about (besides acknowledging that the existentially and actually terrifying circus triumvirate in charge of the United States will destroy the country, and a foreign-led cabinet named after a meme cryptocurrency is dismantling our infrastructure while the President we somehow asked for sits in his own diaper-chocolate and tries to convince a room full of scared, stupid people that ruining the world's greatest and most sociopolitically unique country with overtly prejudicial policies is better for the U.S. than giving refugees asylum in a t...

GFT Retrospective #88: The Dream Eater Saga #8 (Sinbad One-Shot)

Sinbad One-Shot Review by Sean Wilkinson, Retrospective Dreamer, Wishful Ticketmaster. Sinbad , if you recall from some of my posts early on in the Retrospective , is a property that originally had big brand expansion and integration plans, the cancelation of which led to a late-stage title change. Zenescope  once had plans for a series continuation of The Lamp  that would have elaborated on Belinda’s time as a genie and crossed over with a 1001 Arabian Nights  sub-franchise that would have included Sinbad and Aladdin among other One-Shot and miniseries adaptations of the famous Middle Eastern fairy tale collection. After those plans were scrapped, the Arabian Nights branding was dropped and Zenescope planned to make Sinbad an ongoing series (at least until the remaining two pieces of the Jericho Visor were found and recurring villains like Alorana and General Tipu were defeated), but probably because money, Sinbad was canceled after the City Of the Dead  storyline...

Dragon Blog DAIMA #36: Maximum

Dragon Ball DAIMA  Episode 20 Review "Maximum" Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. The Animeister This post will be pretty short, and many of you have probably already said or thought all of the criticisms I have of this final episode, but please give me your energy and grant my wish by clicking the Follow button to Become A Ticketholder for real, commenting at the bottom of this post, helping out my ad revenue as you read so I can keep my eye on the ball, and following me on BlueSky , Tumblr , Reddit , Facebook , YouTube , and LinkedIn to like what you see and receive the latest news on my content. Much like the "Awakening" episode two weeks ago, "Maximum" begins with the end of the previous episode , eager to get straight to the action. Much like a season or series finale episode (which it is), "Maximum" also holds off on the OP until said action is concluded, using it as a credits piece similar to how it was used in "Conspiracy" (...

Time Drops #90: Week of March 2, 2025

Content Calendar Announcement, Week of March 2, 2025 by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster As I'm writing this part of the post, I have just put the finishing touches on my review of The Substance  and scheduled it to publish. I also have the One Piece Multi-Piece  written for Fishman Island (finally!), with the exception of link insertions, images, and final editing tweaks. On top of content creation going well, finances are looking up, and engagement is starting to improve over my Fall-to-Winter 2024 numbers. Speaking of improving engagement, you can do that by remembering to please comment at the bottom of my Blogger posts, Become A Ticketholder because I know you haven't already, help out my ad revenue as you read, and follow me on social media at the links below to like what you see and to receive the latest news on my content and calendars thereof. Here it is: Monday (March 3) -  Dragon   Blog   DAIMA   #36:   Maximum (Finale) Wednesd...