Time Drops #68: Week of September 1, 2024
Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster Welcome to the week to come, Ticketholders! I am way behind with getting this out, and I have nothing new to say in terms of excuses or reasons why. I'm just a tired, distracted, stressed out forty-year-old with too much and too little time on his hands, so I get lazy and procrastinate and waste time until I fall asleep, and here I am at almost one o'clock in the afternoon on the day of publication, editing a post that is mostly content copied from the previous week. Yay me. Speaking of the previous week, I still have nothing to offer in terms of anime content, so I'm going to take a big hit in traffic for at least another week. However, September begins tomorrow, which will now focus on the K-9 movies and The Faculty (the September List Lookback...to School selection). Stay Tuned as I figure out how to fit five movie reviews into a four-week month. As usual, I will keep up the year-i...