
Showing posts from August, 2024

Time Drops #68: Week of September 1, 2024

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster Welcome to the week to come, Ticketholders! I am way  behind with getting this out, and I have nothing new to say in terms of excuses or reasons why. I'm just a tired, distracted, stressed out forty-year-old with too much and too little time on his hands, so I get lazy and procrastinate and waste time until I fall asleep, and here I am at almost one o'clock in the afternoon on the day of publication, editing a post that is mostly content copied from the previous week. Yay me. Speaking of the previous week, I still have nothing to offer in terms of anime content, so I'm going to take a big hit in traffic for at least another week. However, September begins tomorrow, which will now focus on the  K-9  movies and  The Faculty  (the September  List School  selection). Stay Tuned  as I figure out how to fit five movie reviews into a four-week month. As usual, I will keep up the year-in-content list at the end of the

Just the Ticket #154: Last Man Standing (List Lookback)

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster With A Name & A Fistful Of No Dollars a.k.a. the Blogging Spaghetti Monster Remember when "spaghetti" used to have semi-positive connotations? I mean, sure, the above-referenced "Flying Spaghetti Monster" is a meme-god that plays on the Cthulhu mythos and the mural from the Sistine Chapel as a symbol of the "light-hearted" perspective on monotheistic religions, but we also have modern slang usages like "creepypasta" (horror-based fan theories and urban legend rumors about various IPs or historical events) and the "Lose Yourself" -inspired usage of [Mom's] spaghetti as slang for an epic, "one shot, one opportunity" fail of comedic proportions. But before that, there was the "Spaghetti western," an endearingly derogatory term for the practices of Sergio Leone (and his Italian filmmaker peers and successors of the time) to make cheap, profitable gunslinger

Zenescope - Omnibusted #21: Tales From Neverland TPB

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster. Think happy thoughts, Ticketholders! You're going to need them for at least the next two weeks because I'm going to attempt to make sense of Neverland's continuity so far next week...and then read The Library , which I remember being less fun and a bigger waste of time than actually reading the entirety of my local library. It's a long flight to the bottom if you don't wanna rock 'no roll, so please remember to  Become A Ticketholder  if you haven't already, comment at the bottom of this post, help out my ad revenue as you read, and follow me on  Tumblr ,  Reddit ,  Facebook , and  LinkedIn  to like what you see and receive the latest  Grimm  news on my never-landing content. Also, as a change of pace from my usual, copy-and-paste approach to these Omnibusted  collections, I'll be touching on some additional content that was featured exclusively in the trade paperback collection of Tales From Neverland

Time Drops #67: Week of August 25, 2024

      Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Ticketmaster Welcome to the week to come, Ticketholders! As I mentioned last week, September will now focus on the  K-9  movies and  The Faculty  (the  List School  selection for next month). Also, I'm going to take a big hit in traffic for at least a week because I don't have an anime that I'm prepared to talk about, I haven't written anything new on my Dragon Ball What Ifs, and I haven't been in the mood to watch One Piece  in months. As usual, I will keep up the year-in-content list at the end of these posts going forward, in addition to these weekly announcements. So please read beyond the weekly content calendar for more information on the year to come, and remember to comment at the bottom of this post,  Become A Ticketholder  because I  know  you haven't already, help out my ad revenue as you read, and follow me on social media at the links below to like what you see and to receive the latest news

Stay Tuned #52: Moonlighting (Pilot)

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Moonlighting Stranger a.k.a. the Once In A Blue Moon Ticketmaster Moon, Ticketholders! The phrase, "once in a blue moon," actually means "once every two or three years," but I'm the Ticketmaster four to five days a week, every week, and I just needed something for the a.k.a. that ties into today's review (which was not on the Time Drops  calendar for the week ), and Blue Moon is the name of both the detective agency and a fictional brand of shampoo in the series (though I looked it up, and there is a brand of organic hair-care products called bluemoon by O-Way USA ), so now you know. I was also debating whether to do this as an issue of Just the Ticket  or Stay Tuned  because Moonlighting  is a TV show, but its pilot episode was a two-parter that was released on VHS back in the day as a movie (which I - read: my parents - owned a copy of). Also, don't get this confused with the actual Moonlighting  movie from 1982

GFT Retrospective #74: Tales From Neverland - Family History

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. the Vacation-master. I'm still on vacation, Ticketholders! At home! The farthest I've gone is my local coffee stand, with my mailbox at a distant second, and my dumpster coming in third. These are truly exciting times.... So, I'm going to review a Neverland comic to make it feel like I've gone somewhere. To make me feel like Just the Ticket is going somewhere, please remember to  Become A Ticketholder  if you haven't already, leave some good writing down in the comments, help out my ad revenue as you read, and follow me on  Tumblr ,  Reddit ,  Facebook , and  LinkedIn  to like what you see and receive the latest  Grimm  news on my never-landing content. Tales From Neverland Bonus Story: Family History Flash back to London, England on April Fool's Day, 1912, when a woman named Penelope wakes from a nightmare (but in the Grimm Universe, maybe she has precognitive abilities?) and happens upon her husband, Phillip, engaged in a mas

Anime Spotlight #43: Mushoku Tensei - Jobless Reincarnation

Article by Sean Wilkinson, a.k.a. NEET for a week (and perpetual Animeister) I'm on vacation this week, Ticketholders! But I'm not really going anywhere important; it's kind of a case of "room and bored," outside of some yard work, household chores, and self-cleansing. Otherwise, I intend to be here, at my computer, writing up content, watching movies and anime, re-reading comic books, and looking for supplemental employment. So, I guess I'm not really  a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) for a week; I'm not even a shut-in, either. Please remember to expose  Just the Ticket  to the outside world by  Becoming A Ticketholder  because you haven't already, leave your education, employment, and training suggestions in the comments at the bottom of this post, help out my ad revenue as you read so the Man-God doesn't cause another mana disaster, and follow me on  Tumblr ,  Reddit ,  Facebook , and  LinkedIn  to like what you see and receive