Streaming Saturday #18: Captain Falcon
Welcome to the end of Falcon and the Winter Soldier , Ticketholders! That rhymes! It was a ride of sorts, and I'm a little disappointed that Marvel went with "One World, One People" (the motto of the Flag-Smashers, which rings a little too close to the QAnon slogan, "Where We Go One, We Go All," but that is not a thought worth indulging for any further time) for the episode title, instead of "Justice and the American Way" as I guessed last week. Leave your comments and Flag-Smash those social appreciation buttons down below, and get ready for a SPOILER Warning! Let's begin with a couple of plot details that I neglected to mention in previous posts, first of which is the Global Repatriation Council. The GRC is in the wake of the Blip-reversal to find homes for the billions of people who returned to existence after five years of the world learning to cope with their "deaths" and adjust environmental...