Streaming Saturday #14: The Big Three
You know, androids, aliens, and wizards? It also helps to have a plan, partnership, and patriotism; just don't tell that to our two leads.... Hello, Ticketholders, and welcome back to Streaming Saturday ! The second episode of Falcon & the Winter Soldier (titled "The Star-Spangled Man"--appropriately without a plan) dropped yesterday on Disney+ , so if you care about SPOILERS!, go and watch it before you continue reading, and remember to like and comment below. There wasn't much in terms of real story beats in this one, as the majority of the runtime focused on witty banter and impressive-looking action scenes, so I'll take a more critical view this time around. The main point of contention with characters and viewers alike continues to be Wyatt Russell as John Walker (a.k.a. U.S. Agent, a.k.a. "your new Captain America"). Part of this comes from pre-existing fan knowledge of the comic book version of the character, and part comes...