Anime Spotlight #8: I'm Standing On A Million Lives
Happy AniMonday! And no, I'm not. I'm not standing anywhere near a million lives. I have barely been able to inch this blog to the brink of sixty thousand pageviews. That's not sixty-thousand per day or even sixty-thousand per post; that's sixty thousand total , for this entire blog, since I began writing moment please... NINE YEARS AGO!!! And quite a few of those pageviews are just me, feeling nostalgic and bingeing as much of myself as I can before I fall asleep. So, please, before you read any further, leave a like and a comment and share this post with as many people as you know because high numbers are good numbers--unless we're talking about debt, then it's bad (just ask our last President!). Sorry, I guess I haven't reached the point yet where making fun of Donald Trump has lost its magic. Perhaps a distraction with otherworldly matters will help? Speaking of other worlds and magic, it's time to put the Anime Spotlight on another rece...