
Showing posts from 2019

State Of the Ticketmaster Address, 2019

Happy 23rd, everyone! It seems I couldn't stay away..., and I hope some of you chose not to stay away, either. I made a promise to myself and to you out there in the Ticketverse that I wouldn't post any new content on here until my studies had concluded and I was in a position of true financial security and personal happiness. But three and a half years is a long time to put something I love (or, considering the maddening itch that runs through my brain any time I am in arm's length of a computer keyboard, something that I am most likely addicted to , as well) on the back burner. Further evidence of my might-as-well-face-it relationship with writing and blogging can be found in the thought that I finished my first semester of work a month early and I am "entitled to reward myself," and that I have a growing library of anime and comic book reviews gathering digital and mental dust on my computer that I "must share with the world" despite repeated remind...