Just the Ticket #11: Tower Heist

After seeing the incredible make-up job that turned Leonardo DiCaprio into J. Edgar Hoover, I was disappointed to see that Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar was not available for rent this week. However, I was fortunate to see a somewhat well-concocted comedy in Tower Heist. Ben Stiller, Michael Pena, Casey Affleck, and Matthew Broderick star as employees of the Tower hotel who have their pensions Ponzi'd away by Arthur Shaw (a Bernie Madoff stand-in played viciously by Alan Alda). Enlisting the help of Eddie Murphy's professional criminal (words which should have sarcastic quotation marks around them) and a locksmith's daughter ( Precious star Gabourey Sidibe), they plan to steal back the money while avoiding federal agents and "the most sophisticated security system in New York" (yes, these quotation marks are sarcastic, too). As this is a comedy, some leeway must be granted when considering the use of mass stupidity and ignorance as plot devices, but sometime...